Its 6am...time to get outta my bed,
* Drag the lad out, first challenge of the day, ( he dont like Mondayssss....or any other days lol ) )
* Get sandwiches done...
* Get the young fella n the hubby up ( not too challenging )
* Quick dip in the shower...ready oneself!!!
* Not too bad this morning ..on a late.........
every one out n about their business...time for a qhick coffee n on my way......

Gotta luv Zara...

Better come back to reality...time for work
Good morning, good morning...greeting every 1 with my usual bubbly smile....

The girls just acknowledge me with a nod...for Gods sake try to smile!!! May b sum 1 died ( God forgive me )??? mayb the company is finishin,??? may b the worlds gonna end...( eventually i spose )??? May b theres no tissues in the ladies...arghhhhhh
'Helooooo is it me u lookin forrrr

Poker face ent the word....
'Werent u spose to be on an early?' she asked
through gritted teeth...
Ahhhhh Bisto !!!! ...........pennys dropped!!!!
S** can not b serious!!!!
Yes i have misread the rota and come in an hour late....
I apologise unreservedly...try to explain my mistake!!!
'i'l speak to u later about this matter...' she informs me
( Jesus Christ..u'd of thought i'd dun a murder...guilty as charged!!!! ) She so wanted to tear strips off me....may b later????

Yep later on in the day i get summoned to the room tortured...and forced to sign a document.and theres worse to cum.( i'm aware of the consequences and that i will loose an hours pay)
Noooooo u can not be sserious....u cant take £6.72 off me!!!!!!!
( as if i expect 2 b paid for not bein we get overtime payment for wen we r 30 mins late leaving in the evenin. NOT!! )
course i understand that peope cant b ariving late etc...but mistakes wasnt as if we had to turn customers away...and t was the 1st time its happened....but b assured it wont b happenin again
Nuf sed....well nearly!!!!
W T F !!!!!!