So i have a date wiv my b.e.a.utiful daughter n grandaughter....
and after 3 long days at work, i am so lookin forward 2 it.....just being able to go about my business at a leisurely pace and do a bit ov window shopping wiv me dols.....yep sounds diviiiinnnneee
So boys and hubby off to school, work and work..and put a load of washing in and do a bit ov vaccuuming and a quick wipe round...its time to get a move on.....First things first...Wot to wear???

Make-up done ok...spray the deo...i'm off !!!!
Put my foot down ...arranged to meet em 10 mins ago.....pull onto the carpark n they av just arrived too....perfect timin
Unusually daughter has a slight grin on her face
my grandaughters face also lights up as she recognises me
'Wots tickled u..'i ask
shes starring at my clothes.....we got the same idea she sais...and it really i gonna change or are you....cus the baby got the same colour on too !!!!!!
Yep she was wearing pink trousers n a black t shirt...mine was a pink skirt n a black jacket...n not to b different the baby had a pink n black dress
Lol me n mini me' oh yes n mini me.....
Wot a sight we must of been......all dressed the same something to b seen... if we had planned couldnt ov looked better....all co-ordinating (down to the letter)....
Well we definitley got sum funny looks....
Great minds think alike......

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