Saturday, 31 December 2016
and there's more...: so the count down has begun
and there's more...: so the count down has begun: So there is less than a day left of 2016 left...... And we have left a lot of truly beautiful people in 2016... we cant change what has...
so the count down has begun
So there is less than a day left of 2016 left......
And we have left a lot of truly beautiful people in 2016...
we cant change what has been....we cant hide what we've seen
(and why would we want to )
because everything is part of our journey, some good some not so.....take with you what you need and leave the rest in 2016

and these are just some of the memories i want to bring with ME
Always be dosnt cost anything.. to strangers as well as your family ...simple things like kindness..smiles..hugs dont need to be a millionaire to give these wonderful gifts in abundance and it you can be richer beyond belief when you recieve them
Always be grateful....when you wake each new day be grateful...
have laugh enjoy the company of friends and is short..enjoy it
Happy New Year to You and Yours..Thank you for sharing 2016 with me
.wishing you every blessing that God has to offer
praying that 2017 is the best year yet for all of us
love and best wishes
best yet,
happy new year,
make memories,
new book,
New Year,
Thank you Lord
Friday, 30 December 2016
and there's more...: Yep i'm definitely feeling it
and there's more...: Yep i'm definitely feeling it: mince pies..panettone..chocolates..trifle....yep im definitely feeing all of em right around my mid section!!! Yes its that time of year w...
and there's more...: So a New Year is looming
and there's more...: So a New Year is looming: So we are just 2 days left of 2016....and it certainly looks like there will be some changes for me... hopefully all good... My job of 20...
So a New Year is looming
So we are just 2 days left of 2016....and it certainly looks like there will be some changes for me...
hopefully all good...
My job of 20 months has now ended ...due to several factors...

Act now, don't delay. For example, Write your applications today; don't let the grass grow under your feet. This expression alludes to waiting so long that grass grows
hopefully all good...
My job of 20 months has now ended ...due to several factors...
- needing something more challenging now ( i may live to regret saying that !)
- no opportunity to develop skills or progress
- the bosses being completly unprofessional on many levels ( 4 members of staff left in 8 months including myself )
- more money would be nice.....
so I am busy sending cv and making calls
And one thing this year has learnt me is that life is short and dont let the grass grow beneath your feet ( another saying there )
Don't let the grass grow under one's feet -
Act now, don't delay. For example, Write your applications today; don't let the grass grow under your feet. This expression alludes to waiting so long that grass
Bcus if we are not happy with our 'job lot' then we need to at least try to do something about it....and if it dosnt work out well HEY
I will have to keep looking
and there's more...: Wide awake club.....
and there's more...: Wide awake club.....: So its 3.30 am and I am wide awake... I have tried all the getting back to sleep techniques ( relaxing body and mind .... counting sheep e...
Wide awake club.....

to no I am now in my kitchen drinking tea!!!
Obviously got too much on my mind....because I definitely feel why the hell cant I sleep??
Too much chocolate and not enough exercise might have something to do with it.....
Too much chocolate and not enough exercise might have something to do with it.....
Yep i'm definitely feeling it
mince pies..panettone..chocolates..trifle....yep im definitely feeing all of em right around my mid section!!!
Yes its that time of year when all the gym classes have been suspended for the Xmas period and to make things worse we are over indulging ...
and it dosn't take long before those love handles start to reappear...amazing that...takes only a couple of weeks to develop and a couple of years to get off!!!!
Yes its that time of year when all the gym classes have been suspended for the Xmas period and to make things worse we are over indulging ...

and it dosn't take long before those love handles start to reappear...amazing that...takes only a couple of weeks to develop and a couple of years to get off!!!!
Thursday, 29 December 2016
and there's more...: panettone
and there's more...: panettone: so this is one of my favourite things to eat..... and for those who arent familiar with it...... Panettone - Wikipedi...
so this is one of my favourite things to eat.....
Panettone - Wikipedia
Panettone is a type of sweet bread loaf originally from Milan usually prepared and enjoyed for Christmas and New Year in Western, Southern Europe and Southeastern as well as in Latin America
there are many ways to use panettone in recipes ( sweet/ dessert ) but I like it just simple...lightly toasted with loads of best butter...mmmmm
This particular one was from Lidl...and to be fair I dont think their is lot of difference where ever you get it from
and there's more...: thurdsday already
and there's more...: thurdsday already: Well Good Morning... and what a cold December morning it is.... 3 degrees here at the moment and its 10am... so if you are out n about...
thurdsday already
Well Good Morning...
and what a cold
December morning it is.... 3 degrees here at the moment and its 10am...
so if you are out n about today, dont forget ye thermals

December morning it is.... 3 degrees here at the moment and its 10am...
so if you are out n about today, dont forget ye thermals

Im already thinking these decs need to come down ...Santa needs to go back in hs box after a busy xmas ! and I can get back to norm... ( yes I know its only the 29th !! )
Dont know bout you but I cant focus on other things while it still looks xmasy everywhere....
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
and there's more...: thought you might like these..much too nice NOT to...
and there's more...: thought you might like these..much too nice NOT to...: Lidl's duck spring rolls @ www. lidl we tried these 'lidl' beauties (pun intened) over xmas they went down a trea...
thought you might like these..much too nice NOT to share
Lidl's duck spring rolls @
we tried these 'lidl' beauties (pun intened)

they went down a treat...with everyone
crispy tasty lidl morsels...mmmmm
perfect for sharing with frends family ( or even with yeself !!!)
And at only £1.99 for 14 you could have them every day...not just at xmas
good value,
Lidl beauties,
and there's more...: he's 20 !!!!
and there's more...: he's 20 !!!!: so in the madness that is the xmas of my hansome boys was 20...yes thats what i questioned ???? Cant believe its been 20 year...
he's 20 !!!!
so in the madness that is the xmas of my hansome boys was 20...yes thats what i questioned ????
Cant believe its been 20 time flies
my li'l boy has grown up to be a 6ft hansome young man who I'm very proud to call MINE
i look at him, and just like the 1st time i saw him, i melt cuz hes mine
Because as mothers we are all so proud of our children
Now dont misunderstand me hes not good ALL the time!!! (well, not quite)
he can be untidy...annoying...tormentive...arrogant....selfish....he makes me worry....
yep all those traits are from his father
but he is loving... big hugs.... hard working....hansome as the devil ( yes I know I've already said that !!) and most importantly he wouldnt do you a bad turn if he couldnt do you a good one...yes and as you've already guessed... those traits are from me...obviously

Cant believe its been 20 time flies
my li'l boy has grown up to be a 6ft hansome young man who I'm very proud to call MINE
i look at him, and just like the 1st time i saw him, i melt cuz hes mine
Because as mothers we are all so proud of our children
Now dont misunderstand me hes not good ALL the time!!! (well, not quite)

he can be untidy...annoying...tormentive...arrogant....selfish....he makes me worry....
yep all those traits are from his father

but he is loving... big hugs.... hard working....hansome as the devil ( yes I know I've already said that !!) and most importantly he wouldnt do you a bad turn if he couldnt do you a good one...yes and as you've already guessed... those traits are from me...obviously

And I can hear all you parents saying the same things about all yours.... Count your blessings x
I thank The Lord every day for mine
Tuesday, 27 December 2016
and there's more...: just in time
and there's more...: just in time: So the day is nearly done...and this is the 1st time I have found 5 mins to sit down... Busy day doing all the things I like..rushing roun...
just in time
So the day is nearly done...and this is the 1st time I have found 5 mins to sit down...
Busy day doing all the things I like..rushing round getting things prepared for our li'l get together
trifle made ( gotta love a bit of trifle..this is the 2nd one this lot definitely do ! )

snacks in the oven ..sandwiches cut and wraps done...crisp and nuts at the ready....cheese board arranged.... mince pies n cream....cakes for the children...
An theres more....glasses ready for a li'l Xmas tipple
( well i need to have something to do whilst the jelly is setting )
Busy day doing all the things I like..rushing round getting things prepared for our li'l get together
trifle made ( gotta love a bit of trifle..this is the 2nd one this lot definitely do ! )

snacks in the oven ..sandwiches cut and wraps done...crisp and nuts at the ready....cheese board arranged.... mince pies n cream....cakes for the children...
An theres more....glasses ready for a li'l Xmas tipple
So all that remains is for the family to sample the food ......
Monday, 26 December 2016
and there's more...: so they say...lets get back to brass tacks
and there's more...: so they say...lets get back to brass tacks: Funny isnt it that as youngsters we are bought up with many different sayings.... And as you would expect we take them as gospel and know e...
so they say...lets get back to brass tacks
Funny isnt it that as youngsters we are bought up with many different sayings....
And as you would expect we take them as gospel and know exactly what they mean ( well we know what our parents/families mean when they say them!) to my blog
The saying ' Lets get back to brass tacks' came to mind when i was about to blog today...
And then it crossed my mind that just maybe it didnt mean what I thought it did
so I thought I better check first
And as you would expect we take them as gospel and know exactly what they mean ( well we know what our parents/families mean when they say them!) to my blog
The saying ' Lets get back to brass tacks' came to mind when i was about to blog today...
And then it crossed my mind that just maybe it didnt mean what I thought it did

Brass tacks are a type of pin or nail, sometimes called a drawing pin. In colloquial English, the phrase to get down to brass tacks is an idiom that means to focus on essential details, such as measuring out the precise amount of an item for sale.
Brass Tacks - Wikipedia
So there you have
And funnily enough that wasnt even what my blog was
about.....I was scanning my emails for any suitable jobs
which I could apply for and checking my cv etc
and as they say...i thought yep
' time to get back to brass tacks' wish me luck.......
and there's more...: And so life goes on
and there's more...: And so life goes on: so we are nearly at the end of another year wow.... time surely flies.... and especially at this time of year we see are made aware of th...
And so life goes on
so we are nearly at the end of another year wow....
But the moral of the story is life is short...shorter for some ...grasp it with both hands and live like its your last day...Enjoy this amazing life
time surely flies.... and especially at this time of year we see are made aware of this seeing all the remembrance messages to our loved ones who are no longer with us..... a very poignant time
I myself have experienced grief on a very personal level this year....a close family member ....which for the immediate family was absolutely devastating....
this was a life that without a doubt could of still been here, but due to a very adictive nature life was extinguished much too soon
the family left behind are still fighting a terrible battle of how to carry on...grief is a strange one....pain...sorrow...anger...guilt of still living!!
i also lost a very beautiful and dear frend.... someone who wanted to live so share experiences..good and see famiy grow...who loved life so so much ( i will talk about my dear frend again..ive no doubt of this...i have thought of her so much )
Two very different circumstances....but to the same end
Life goes on... all be it...on a different level..we never accept it we just learn to distract ourselves and live with the memories ...

Enjoy everything life has to offer....and remember be kind on your lifes journey....
Sunday, 25 December 2016
and there's more...: so its here
and there's more...: so its here: so its xmas day..... Merry Xmas to you all so all that rushing around and spending money has come to a standstill...well at least for ...
so its here
so its xmas day.....
Merry Xmas to you all
so all that rushing around and spending money has come to a standstill...well at least for a few hours
and im guessing all us ladies ( ok ok I know men cook as well, yes and keep house... ) it was just a figure of speach !!!!
as I was saying...some of us were up bright and early preparing lunch for the others that were stil in the land of nod....
so lunch done..and very nice it was to ( had a 3 bird roast...1st time eva and very nice it was )....washing up done..ok ok some went in the dish washer ...
i think is time for feet up and a nice glass of mmmm not sure what but im sure it will be just what the doctor ordered......
Merry Xmas to you all

so all that rushing around and spending money has come to a standstill...well at least for a few hours
and im guessing all us ladies ( ok ok I know men cook as well, yes and keep house... ) it was just a figure of speach !!!!
as I was saying...some of us were up bright and early preparing lunch for the others that were stil in the land of nod....
so lunch done..and very nice it was to ( had a 3 bird roast...1st time eva and very nice it was )....washing up done..ok ok some went in the dish washer ...

so on that just leaves me to say 

Saturday, 24 December 2016
and there's more...: So our flight home is imminent
and there's more...: So our flight home is imminent: The end is near....our cheeky 7 day holiday in cyprus is drawing to a close...1 last day And there's more... Yep u guessed it.... th...
So our flight home is imminent
The end is near....our cheeky 7 day holiday in cyprus is drawing to a close...1 last day
And there's more...
And there's more...
Yep u guessed it.... the buses are still on strike
But we are not going to let that spoil our last day...time to chill ready for our flight home..
so we head into the harbour to one of the many cafe/bars.....
to say of goodbyes ...
We will miss you....and God spares us we will be back
and there's more...: Day 6 rainy day in cyprus
and there's more...: Day 6 rainy day in cyprus: Back to the walking today... Weather bit different today...windy and cloudy... and there's more ...the buses are on strike !!! So...
Day 6 rainy day in cyprus
Back to the walking today...
Weather bit different today...windy and cloudy...and there's more...the buses are on strike !!!
So we were hoping to go to Coral Bay today, and we've even checked the private excursions and wouldnt you know it, non going there today either
Oh well good job we like walking
Oh well good job we like walking
A beautiful if not bracing walk round the coast.... watching the waves start to roll in from way back on the horizon...many not making it too the shore line ...breaking into torrents of white Froth and bubbles....others racing for the shoreline and crashing against the rocks throwing themselves high into the air....
innocent walkers caught off guard as the waves crash over the walkway....
We rewarded ourselves with a snack giving us an escape from the now quite chilly wind.
We rewarded ourselves with a snack giving us an escape from the now quite chilly wind.
As the afternoon rolled into the evening the winds got stronger and brought with it rain... complete with thunder and lightening...the long awaited storm had arrived in its splendour.....
So we decided to eat in the restaurant of the Amphora ( where we were stopping )..
So we decided to eat in the restaurant of the Amphora ( where we were stopping )..
As we tucked into a delicious moussaka ...from the elevated position in the restaurant, we could watch the lightening flashing across the mountains in the distance.... quite an impressive show....
So the prayers of the nuns in the monastery have been answered...we were reliably in formed that there day consists of praying for rain which the island has a shortage of.... well dun sisters.
But all too soon( at least for the locals and the nuns who had been praying continuosly for rain ) the storm had blew over and the evening had returned to its calm and still horizon....
But all too soon( at least for the locals and the nuns who had been praying continuosly for rain ) the storm had blew over and the evening had returned to its calm and still horizon....
Friday, 23 December 2016
and there's more...: Day 5 troodos mountains
and there's more...: Day 5 troodos mountains: Troodos mountains today we are having a break from walking and going on an excursion to the beautiful Troodos complete con...
Day 5 troodos mountains
Troodos mountains
today we are having a break from walking and going on an excursion to the beautiful Troodos complete contrast to the coast and loer land the mountains are full of trees and rich vegetation a sight to behold....the views as you get higher are breath taking....
today we are having a break from walking and going on an excursion to the beautiful Troodos complete contrast to the coast and loer land the mountains are full of trees and rich vegetation a sight to behold....the views as you get higher are breath taking....
Omodus... Stavros Monastery or the Monastery of the Holy Cross Omodos reportedly holds relics taken directly from Golgotha, the site of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. An amazing sight of the Great Cross with the Holy Rope. The piece of rope was given by St. Helena on her visit in 327-328 AD. A wooden Cross with a gold and silver-plated cover is placed in a special canopy at the iconostasis, bearing various depictions from the life of Christ.
At the centre of the Cross is the ‘AGIO SCHINIO’ (Holy Rope It is reportedly the sole existing piece in the world.)
This church is a wonder of the World where visitors come to pray, asking for miracles related to family issues, health and happiness.
We travelled through plano-convex platres.... reportedly King Faruk Egypt..had 1st eva brandy sour here. your guess is as good as mine !
Several different events of that story!
Then we went to the Monastery of the blessed virgin, where the sisters served up a snack of
Halva...tea..bread...olives. The halva was amazing ...a sweet dense dessert that is made by the nuns.

Monastery of kykkos with many of the monasteries in cyprus, contains many holy relics... this one is dedicated to the blessed virgin ... one of 3 icons here is the miraculous icon. a painting of our Lady painted by St Luke. said to be blessed by Mary before she died. Reportedly given to the hermit by the emperor as thanx for curing his daughter of a paramedic influenza
The Monastery itself is the richest and most lavish of Cyprus’ monasteries and sits on a mountain peak, at an altitude of 1.318 metres northwest of Troodos.
this was a fascinating day and somewhere i could of happily spent a week.... beautiful place to walk and just enjoy the calmness and quiteness
we were told by the guide that one of the monastaries up here is occupied by nuns who pray all day long for rain...yes rain, because the island has very little rain they pray for it continually ....
this was a fascinating day and somewhere i could of happily spent a week.... beautiful place to walk and just enjoy the calmness and quiteness
we were told by the guide that one of the monastaries up here is occupied by nuns who pray all day long for rain...yes rain, because the island has very little rain they pray for it continually ....
Thursday, 22 December 2016
and there's more...: Day 4 .... heading towards St Nicholas church Pafo...
and there's more...: Day 4 .... heading towards St Nicholas church Pafo...: So for our sins we are setting out on yet another walk... This time heading the opposite way towards the beautiful St Nicholas church...
Day 4 .... heading towards St Nicholas church Pafos
So for our sins we are setting out on yet another walk...
This time heading the opposite way towards the beautiful St Nicholas church which is situated idyllically on the coast looking out towards the beautiful Mediterranean..
sadly I had got shorts on and tshirt so thought it would be disrespectful to enter

We stopped for water at a very authentic Cypriot beach bar !!
Rissos....established 1975...yep and I do believe it was the original carpet !!!
I think the two old cyprit gents were a bit put out that i popped in for water...i think i was disturbing their sleepy Sunday ....and he was looking at me as if to say 'why are you not home cooking the lunch ?' ......
A very different picture to the area we are staying..
But more of an insight into the old Cyprus.... fascinating
and there's more...: Day 3 in Cyprus.....Walked my legs off
and there's more...: Day 3 in Cyprus.....Walked my legs off: So today we have had the pleasure of walking 8 miles of this beautiful coastline.. and it is breathtaking.. That'...
Day 3 in Cyprus.....Walked my legs off
So today we have had the pleasure of walking 8 miles of this beautiful coastline.. and it is breathtaking..
That's not to say that our own coasts are not amazing too...
we also have some breathtaking areas in the UK... just a pity we dont have better weather so as we would have more days to enjoy them....
the light house .round the coast toward Kings Avenue...... to the brand new shopping centre which is very modern and cosmopolitan....... stopping for a very well earned refreshment at 'two for tea' on kings avenue... lovly of 3 in the pafos area.

in complete contrast... we stopped to look at the amazing Archaeological ruins which is situated just off the harbour....i would liked to have spent more time here....but due to other commitments wasnt possible....
Yes my legs and feet are sore still...not the right foot wear on !!!.... but my heart is gladdened to much beauty and history on this little island.... definitely island of love
I think my hubby was sick of hearing ... how beautiful.... lol

And although in my opinion ( which is not necasarily an expert opinion ) it wasnt particularly WAS very busy...very friendly and food was delicious....
perfect end to a perfect day
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