My favourite class of the week to date
My Saturday morning yoga class is amazing..the instructor is an amazing young woman who just inspires me.
Before I get their I am my usual hyped up individual, always rushing round, chasing my tail, ( even if I do get up at stupid oclock ) and always on the go.....
that is until I get into my Yoga class and this morning was no exception.
Little bit of chat with the class members about the forthcoming yoga work shop before the class starts leaves us all feeling a little excited and curious.
But soon we are right into the class with a few slow deep breaths to begin our class and ease us into the practise....
I have noticed of late how much quicker I get into the moment...
. The instructor reminds us that it is our practise and not to compete with others in the class...(one of my pet habits in the past...sure, I'm still very competitive, but I dont tend to watch others int he class now, I try to focus on what I am doing and just to compete with myself, improving my own practise )
This is really good advice as we are all different, with different body shapes, some more flexible than others, and all bringing to the class different issues, all of which can hamper or aid the practise. What might be good for us to do on one day, may not be good on another day.....
So I always try to treat each practise with a fresh outlook...I do my best..I be he best I can be....
But as our instructor reminds us ( she refers to Ahimsa, one of the 5 Yamas, Non-violent/non harming, and that means to our selves also )...we also have to be kind to ourselves..if we need to take a break..that is ok.... we can resume when it is good for us..( that is not to say that we shouldnt push ourselves to try to be better..it means that it has to be balanced.....and the fact that we are present in the practise means we want to be the best we can )
It is an intense class with lots of asanas I havnt practised for a while, I feel invigorated, and strong, and somewhat stretched!!!!
The class ends all too soon... with 10 minutes savasana/meditation..and opportunity to relax my body and mind and to give thanx that i am able to take part in my yoga practise....

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