Monday, 31 July 2017
and there's more...: 100 years Passchendaele
and there's more...: 100 years Passchendaele: 100 years on, we remember the soldiers from all over the world that gave their lives at Passchendaele during WWI The "courage and br...
100 years Passchendaele
100 years on, we remember the soldiers from all over the world that gave their lives at Passchendaele during WWI
The "courage and bravery" of those who fought in one of the bloodiest battles of World War One has been remembered, 100 years after it began.
Prince Charles, Prince William and Prime Minister Theresa May were among those who paid tribute to soldiers who fought at Passchendaele, in Belgium.
Some 4,000 relatives attended the ceremony at Tyne Cot cemetery, Ypres.
In the three months of fighting, half a million Allied and German soldiers were killed, wounded or went missing.
Prince Charles addressed the service, saying: "We remember it not only for the rain that fell, the mud that weighed down the living and swallowed the dead, but also for the courage and bravery of the men who fought here."
The conflict - officially known as the Third Battle of Ypres - was fought from 31 July 1917 until November that year.
It was not only infamous for the number of casualties but the mud. Many drowned in the thick quagmire, caused by weeks of relentless rain. (Taken from the BBC webpage )
God bless these wonderful human beings ..many of whom never returned....let us not take them for granted
Lest we forget........
and there's more...: now thats weird s##t
and there's more...: now thats weird s##t: duvet moment..... ( I was quite concerned !!! )�� So as usual I had washed and dried the bedding ...and then...YES I'd forgot to put...
now thats weird s##t
duvet moment.....
( I was quite concerned !!! )😕
So as usual I had washed and dried the bedding ...and then...YES
I'd forgot to put them back on the bed ...
so found myself doing it at 8 o'clock at night
Nothing unusual about that I hear you say....
But I couldnt remember how to put the duvet cover back on!!!!! 😕
really...I just stood there with it in my hand ( as u do )
I looked at the duvet...them at the cover..back at the duvet..Yes you get the picture..
Yes I suppose I could of been half a sleep ( but I wasnt )
Yes I could of had to much red wine ( but not in this case )
It was only when I put the duvet cover down that I realised what I needed to do.....
In my case..the duvet cover needed to be flat on the bed and me holding the duvet!!!!!! 😜
then it all just fell into place ( if you'll pardon the pun ) and not quite actually...
a bit of poking that corner into that corner and a bit of shaking etc...yes I'm sure you get the gist
But weird????
I will definitely be keeping an eye to these senior moments......
And you are reading this my daughter...keep an eye on me 🤣
( I was quite concerned !!! )😕
So as usual I had washed and dried the bedding ...and then...YES
I'd forgot to put them back on the bed ...
so found myself doing it at 8 o'clock at night

But I couldnt remember how to put the duvet cover back on!!!!! 😕
really...I just stood there with it in my hand ( as u do )
I looked at the duvet...them at the cover..back at the duvet..Yes you get the picture..
Yes I suppose I could of been half a sleep ( but I wasnt )
Yes I could of had to much red wine ( but not in this case )
It was only when I put the duvet cover down that I realised what I needed to do.....
In my case..the duvet cover needed to be flat on the bed and me holding the duvet!!!!!! 😜
then it all just fell into place ( if you'll pardon the pun ) and not quite actually...
a bit of poking that corner into that corner and a bit of shaking etc...yes I'm sure you get the gist
But weird????
I will definitely be keeping an eye to these senior moments......
And you are reading this my daughter...keep an eye on me 🤣
Saturday, 29 July 2017
and there's more...: heel pain in yoga downward facing dog Adho Mukha ...
and there's more...: heel pain in yoga downward facing dog Adho Mukha ...: Adho Mukha Svanasana, has been giving me a few problems...or rather my HEEL has when I attempt to do this asana!!! which to say the...
heel pain in yoga downward facing dog Adho Mukha Svanasana,
Adho Mukha Svanasana, has been giving me a few problems...or rather my HEEL has when I attempt to do this asana!!! which to say the least is getting on my nerves 😓
So I have been looking to see if any one else has this problem...
and these are some of the results that I have found... (hopefully it may help some of my readers )

( this is exactly how mine feels)
I have just had the same thing happen! It was in yoga 3 weeks ago. You describe everything exactly like I have.i started yoga 4 months ago and then BAM it just happened. Acute tingling and burning during position. I walk fine.i swim fine except for the push off the wall on turning. Same as you. No pain unless my leg is straight and pull toes back. Am seeing an ART massage therapist.after 3 sessions he believes it is the Peroneus tendon. I'm resting it, icing,anti inflame and fascia release.
( again another good example of my symptoms )I felt a little more at ease when I found that other people were also having this problem....
( I did think that may be I was a bit of an alien !!! )
And below are some of the suggestions to monitor /cope with it
Best bet, honestly, is to work without putting the heels on the floor.
( this is what I have been dong and find works...but am still desperste to try and get my heels down at some stage )
the biggiest issue in practicing this pose is that people forget that this is really about the rotation of the hips and the alignment of the spine, rather than whether or not the heels touch the ground.
( yes I'm sure it is but I do feel I like that is what I am aiming for )
eventually, they do, when you have the flexibility for it (in the whole back of the body, including in the heels), then the heels will touch naturally, without any effort. so having the heels up and working on getting the back completely flat is the right way to go.
( well hopefully this will work for me too...not sure how long its gonna take )Patience is the key I think...
Adho Mukha Svanasana,
downward dog,
Friday, 28 July 2017
and there's more...: No pain no gain....
and there's more...: No pain no gain....: Good morning (and i use the term loosely ��....) too early to be up really.... But the back has won again... Yes its still ruling the roo...
No pain no gain....
Good morning (and i use the term loosely 😉....)
too early to be up really....
But the back has won again...
Yes its still ruling the roost...
It still painful especially when lay down....
but on the plus is marginally better
wouldnt like to say I found a magical cure ( unfortunately 😐)
more likely to be a combination of stretching, keeping mobile, body balance ( just working to sensible level ) yoga, mudra
(not many pain killers to be fair )
so I will be at my balance class later on and hope and pray ( oh yes prayers are always good )
that it continues to get better
unbelievable the affect that a bad back has on your life....
( truly feel sorry for people who suffer from it on a regular basis )
it has made me feel miserable, incapable, tired, slow, irritable, unbalanced ( too name a few )
cant believe that it has actually been responsible for injuring myself more !!!
bumping into things, not being quick enough to avoid things,,,
due to not wanting to injure my back more!!!
the list is endless!!
just from a bad back!!!
so I will definitely be careful in future....try to build more core strength...and check my posture etc
too early to be up really....
But the back has won again...
Yes its still ruling the roost...
It still painful especially when lay down....
but on the plus is marginally better
wouldnt like to say I found a magical cure ( unfortunately 😐)
(not many pain killers to be fair )
so I will be at my balance class later on and hope and pray ( oh yes prayers are always good )
that it continues to get better
unbelievable the affect that a bad back has on your life....
( truly feel sorry for people who suffer from it on a regular basis )
it has made me feel miserable, incapable, tired, slow, irritable, unbalanced ( too name a few )
cant believe that it has actually been responsible for injuring myself more !!!
bumping into things, not being quick enough to avoid things,,,
due to not wanting to injure my back more!!!
the list is endless!!
just from a bad back!!!
so I will definitely be careful in future....try to build more core strength...and check my posture etc
bad back,
body balance,
Thursday, 27 July 2017
and there's more...: back pain mudra...
and there's more...: back pain mudra...: Its fair to say that if we are in pain most of us will try most things... this usually starts with some basic pain killers... which somet...
back pain mudra...
Its fair to say that if we are in pain most of us will try most things...
this usually starts with some basic pain killers...
which sometimes if the pain is mild can be very helpful I've found..
then moving onto stronger painkillers if no relief is found....
And then the list goes on depending on the pain and WHERE it is!!!
Getting professional help is an option for some...( but by the time you get to see a GP its probably better!!! )
could remove the offending body part!!!!!😱
( ie a tooth etc 😉.)
( and quite often my hair because that gives me great pain most days when I look in the mirror😦)
But I've found that back ache/pain is one on its own!!!!
(literally a pain in the #### )
rest it is usually the advice... (then ts goes stiff and you cease up )
take pain killers..(in my experience they dont work..unless you have perscription drugs < then back to the time scale with GP!! )
massage it...hmmmm I cant reach it....(because it hurts to twist !!)😓
stretching exercises ( as in yoga ) yes these can give some relief...but again its how long it takes
( and as any one who has back ache knows... the longer it lasts..the worse it seems..mainly due to the fact that we assume this ridiculous body position to get away from the pain !!! )
Which in turn gives us aches elsewhere!!!
So I am going to try good old fashioned Mudra
this usually starts with some basic pain killers...
which sometimes if the pain is mild can be very helpful I've found..
then moving onto stronger painkillers if no relief is found....
And then the list goes on depending on the pain and WHERE it is!!!
Getting professional help is an option for some...( but by the time you get to see a GP its probably better!!! )
could remove the offending body part!!!!!😱
( ie a tooth etc 😉.)
( and quite often my hair because that gives me great pain most days when I look in the mirror😦)
But I've found that back ache/pain is one on its own!!!!
(literally a pain in the #### )
rest it is usually the advice... (then ts goes stiff and you cease up )

massage it...hmmmm I cant reach it....(because it hurts to twist !!)😓
stretching exercises ( as in yoga ) yes these can give some relief...but again its how long it takes
( and as any one who has back ache knows... the longer it lasts..the worse it seems..mainly due to the fact that we assume this ridiculous body position to get away from the pain !!! )
Which in turn gives us aches elsewhere!!!
So I am going to try good old fashioned Mudra
Back pain Mudra

This also gives me an opportunity to explore this fascinating area of yoga

Wednesday, 26 July 2017
and there's more...: when my grandaughter comes visiting!!!!
and there's more...: when my grandaughter comes visiting!!!!: ( NB please see footer at end of post ) true to say that stress usually accompanies my grandaughters visits.... this involves torture....
and there's more...: how does my body feel since yoga
and there's more...: how does my body feel since yoga: probably not the best day to do this blog.... (back not good... due to a long windey car journey.... i think ) but hey...any day is a goo...
how does my body feel since yoga
probably not the best day to do this blog....
(back not good... due to a long windey car journey.... i think )
but hey...any day is a good day to blog..( or do yoga 😉 )
so its been about 4 months since I started to do yoga classes..( I must be honest this was mainly due to the fact that we lost our body balance instructor )
but to say it has turned my life around is an understatement.....
I absolutely love my new yoga class and our instructor is amazing ( thank u )
Yes it is very hard most days..pushing me to my absolute limit
( and I know yoga is about your own limits and a gentle maximum, but I am competitive, even with myself and I do like to challenge myself...but thats just me)
Every one should work to their personal best OR indeed to where they are at on a particular day.
Obviously due to doing body balance I am familiar with some of the positions..but not with the correct names
SAVASANA: corpse pose....etc
( lol..this is the pose I need most at the end of a class 😉)
I am very keen to learn these..( they are so difficult to pronounce )
Back to how I feel....
I feel stronger ..more flexible..more positive...more chilled
And yes I have lost a few pounds..partially due to change of diet I will admit..( but I do think the idea of yoga has made me feel like I want to be healthier )

Its early days yet I am very eager to continue with my yoga and to see if the improvements last....hopefully for a lifetime....
(back not good... due to a long windey car journey.... i think )
but hey...any day is a good day to blog..( or do yoga 😉 )
so its been about 4 months since I started to do yoga classes..( I must be honest this was mainly due to the fact that we lost our body balance instructor )
but to say it has turned my life around is an understatement.....
I absolutely love my new yoga class and our instructor is amazing ( thank u )
Yes it is very hard most days..pushing me to my absolute limit
( and I know yoga is about your own limits and a gentle maximum, but I am competitive, even with myself and I do like to challenge myself...but thats just me)
Every one should work to their personal best OR indeed to where they are at on a particular day.
Obviously due to doing body balance I am familiar with some of the positions..but not with the correct names
SAVASANA: corpse pose....etc
( lol..this is the pose I need most at the end of a class 😉)
I am very keen to learn these..( they are so difficult to pronounce )
Back to how I feel....
I feel stronger ..more flexible..more positive...more chilled
And yes I have lost a few pounds..partially due to change of diet I will admit..( but I do think the idea of yoga has made me feel like I want to be healthier )

and there's more...: when my grandaughter comes visiting!!!!
and there's more...: when my grandaughter comes visiting!!!!: ( NB please see footer at end of post ) true to say that stress usually accompanies my grandaughters visits.... this involves torture....
when my grandaughter comes visiting!!!!
( NB please see footer at end of post )
true to say that stress usually accompanies my grandaughters visits....
this involves torture.... anything from... fixing my hair....crawling all over my lap and ruining my knees....checking my eyes for foreign bodies...
pinching my neck... ( she has a fixation with necks or any other loose skin..elbows etc associated with us 50 somethings...and different to her beautiful plump youthful skin ( shes !! 4 ) )
But this was on a whole new level.....
' stroke him under his neck Granma ' ( the neck thing ) not a chance!!
Please be assured that No Granmas or newts were harmed during this photo shoot....granma was returned to her rocking chair with a large glass of the red stuff.... and newty was returned to his normal wet environment harm done 😉😉
Monday, 24 July 2017
and there's more...: Princess Diana
and there's more...: Princess Diana: Unbelievable to think that its been 20 years since Diana died in that awful crash in Paris I remember it like it was yesterday.. I woke ...
Princess Diana
Unbelievable to think that its been 20 years since Diana died in that awful crash in Paris
I remember it like it was yesterday..
I woke up..flicked the TV on whilst I made a coffee..
(this was my usual routine ..I enjoyed a solitary half an hour most mornings before it would be full steam treat. my youngest of four was just 7 months old..)
The screen was just full of sirens and flashing light....
Pandemonium on every screen....
I was in shock...I had always loved and admired Diana
I loved her smile..her tall lean figure..her fab dress sense...her open show of love to her children...and also her vunerability
Its true to say I wept...and also now find myself very emotional writing this...
such a sad and tragic event ( which is fair to say affected millions all over the world...not leastly her lovly boys )
The picture of those boys following their Mother's coffin will stay with me for ever..
So impressed with Prince William and Prince Harry at how they have kept her memory alive..
She would be so proud of how they have grown up....( every credit to you Diana )
I will be watching the programme 'Diana, our Mother'... which is due to be screened tonight
and yes I will probably need the tissues.....
RIP Diana you beautiful Lady....
I remember it like it was yesterday..
I woke up..flicked the TV on whilst I made a coffee..
(this was my usual routine ..I enjoyed a solitary half an hour most mornings before it would be full steam treat. my youngest of four was just 7 months old..)
The screen was just full of sirens and flashing light....
Pandemonium on every screen....
I was in shock...I had always loved and admired Diana
I loved her smile..her tall lean figure..her fab dress sense...her open show of love to her children...and also her vunerability
Its true to say I wept...and also now find myself very emotional writing this...
such a sad and tragic event ( which is fair to say affected millions all over the world...not leastly her lovly boys )

The picture of those boys following their Mother's coffin will stay with me for ever..
So impressed with Prince William and Prince Harry at how they have kept her memory alive..
She would be so proud of how they have grown up....( every credit to you Diana )
I will be watching the programme 'Diana, our Mother'... which is due to be screened tonight
and yes I will probably need the tissues.....
RIP Diana you beautiful Lady....

Prince Harry,
Prince William,
Princess Diana,
Sunday, 23 July 2017
and there's more...: You take the good with the bad
and there's more...: You take the good with the bad: this is not about me having a bad day..or even about me having a good day... God knows I am grateful of all my days/blessings this is abo...
You take the good with the bad
this is not about me having a bad day..or even about me having a good day...
God knows I am grateful of all my days/blessings
this is about what eva kind of day/week/etc I have...and the fact I can never share this experience with the people I once held so dear 💔
sure I believe that my Mam n Dad look down and watch over me every day...but its still not the same

'Hey Mam.... we got a new grand child'....
'Hey Dad....come and av a drive in our new car...'
'luv ya and miss ya'
Dont misunderstand me ...I have beautiful kids and grandkids...and I Thank the Lord fornthem every day...but it dosnt stop the needing for ye parents,,,
So if you still have yours....go visit them...ring them..share things with them
Cus if theres one thing I can tell you for sure.....they wont be here for ever......
God knows I am grateful of all my days/blessings
this is about what eva kind of day/week/etc I have...and the fact I can never share this experience with the people I once held so dear 💔
sure I believe that my Mam n Dad look down and watch over me every day...but its still not the same
'Hey Mam.... we got a new grand child'....
'Hey Dad....come and av a drive in our new car...'
'luv ya and miss ya'
Dont misunderstand me ...I have beautiful kids and grandkids...and I Thank the Lord fornthem every day...but it dosnt stop the needing for ye parents,,,
So if you still have yours....go visit them...ring them..share things with them
Cus if theres one thing I can tell you for sure.....they wont be here for ever......
Saturday, 22 July 2017
and there's more...: do i need to be a vegetarian
and there's more...: do i need to be a vegetarian: this is a question that often comes up in conversation when people realise you do yoga R u a vegetarian???? If I want to be a PROPER yo...
do i need to be a vegetarian
this is a question that often comes up in conversation when people realise you do yoga
R u a vegetarian????
If I want to be a PROPER I have to be vegetarian...
( and obviously I asked the question myself as I am very serious about yoga...) but didnt particularly want to change what I ate.
Most people see yogis as a litttle bit hippie...a little bit stretchy...a litle bit strange
and almost definitley Vegetarian.....right?
This is a general stigma that for many years, was attached to yogis...
yes Yoga has always been closely associated with vegetarianism....
perhaps due to the following
- Indias ancient hindu beliefs
- may be for climate reasons ( eating vegetables/fruit etc safer than meat in hot climates)
- or because of the attitude of non-violence towards animals etc
humans in the large, are omnivorous... ( mainly !!) as such will have survived on a very varied diet
I think what is important is moderation....
If your present diet is not working for you..than look at others
and Yoga is about being the best you can...working in unity with yourself...
am I a typical yogi.....
with yoga becoming very popular it has adapted, as have the people who now practise yoga
many people with high profile jobs find it very beneficial for de-stressing ( particularly the meditation side)
also it has been introduced to professional sports people, again due to benefits ( both mental and physical )
people in the media also rave about yoga and the benefits....which has helped with its new found popularity..
So I think its fair to say that not all of these people would want to follow a vegetarian diet...

many people with high profile jobs find it very beneficial for de-stressing ( particularly the meditation side)
also it has been introduced to professional sports people, again due to benefits ( both mental and physical )
people in the media also rave about yoga and the benefits....which has helped with its new found popularity..
So I think its fair to say that not all of these people would want to follow a vegetarian diet...
so as we progress and learn more about yoga...we realsie that we want to eat what is good for us and what makes us feel good...
everything in moderation........
and there's more...: the weekend is upon us
and there's more...: the weekend is upon us: so for most of us this is a time when we can chill back....may be have a lay in...may be do something a little different.... do some fu...
the weekend is upon us

do some fun things...
turn off the alarm....and be your own time keeper...
enjoy some out door activities....time with the family....eating out....
or just spending time doing NOTHING at all.....some 'you' time
you deserve it..... you owe it to yourselves
Friday, 21 July 2017
and there's more...: with the best will in the world
and there's more...: with the best will in the world: I usually wake quite early...btween 5.45 and 6.30 so you would think that I would be able to get to a class at 8.30..right ?? 'no...&#...
with the best will in the world
I usually wake quite early...btween 5.45 and 6.30
so you would think that I would be able to get to a class at 8.30..right ?? 'no...' 😐
I had every intention of going to my 2nd ever GUN ex class...
it is approximately 15 mins drive away...
and I was all ready to leave bout 8am....
I couldnt find my car keys...and by the time I had realised that I was not going to find them
( because one of my boys had decided to put them somewhere I would never have found them!!!!)
and located my spare was 8.20!!!!😨
so I took off like a mad woman...
willing every set of traffic lights to stay on green..
and daring any red ones to change before I got to them..For fear that I would beat them to a delicate pink version!!!! ( talking to myself en route ) 😠😦
and me a changed deep breathing didnt get a look in was replaced by great balls of fire..... and rapid breath!!! (which did not help)
and inevitably I did not make my 8.30 class.....😢
and to say I was devastated was an understatement....😢
BUT....I accepted it for what it was.... (eventually)
for what ever reason I was not meant to be on the road at the earlier time...
and a few deep breaths later I was chilled and waiting patiently for the 2nd of my planned classes😌
so you would think that I would be able to get to a class at 8.30..right ?? 'no...' 😐
I had every intention of going to my 2nd ever GUN ex class...
it is approximately 15 mins drive away...
and I was all ready to leave bout 8am....
I couldnt find my car keys...and by the time I had realised that I was not going to find them
( because one of my boys had decided to put them somewhere I would never have found them!!!!)
and located my spare was 8.20!!!!😨
so I took off like a mad woman...
willing every set of traffic lights to stay on green..
and daring any red ones to change before I got to them..For fear that I would beat them to a delicate pink version!!!! ( talking to myself en route ) 😠😦
and me a changed deep breathing didnt get a look in was replaced by great balls of fire..... and rapid breath!!! (which did not help)
and inevitably I did not make my 8.30 class.....😢
and to say I was devastated was an understatement....😢
BUT....I accepted it for what it was.... (eventually)
for what ever reason I was not meant to be on the road at the earlier time...
and a few deep breaths later I was chilled and waiting patiently for the 2nd of my planned classes😌
Moral of the story... What will be ..will be
Thursday, 20 July 2017
and there's more...: act of kindness....
and there's more...: act of kindness....: How true.... Imagine how you would feel if for no reason at all someone showed you kindness with no expectation of thanks or payment... (j...
act of kindness....
How true....
Imagine how you would feel if for no reason at all someone showed you kindness
with no expectation of thanks or payment... (just the feeling of WOW...I just did a kind thing)
may be you are the lucky person that this has happened to....
and imagine if this happened when you were at a particularly low period of your life

most of us would say if given the opportunity...we would be kind
and that we would be happy to do a kind deed for another human being...
but how many of us actually did a kind deed today or yesterday..
or indeed this month/year....
you can see where I am going with this????
So the moral of this story is....
Intention is fantastic....but doing is amazing....
imagine if we all did just one random act of kindness ( for no reward ) each day.....
Imagine how you would feel if for no reason at all someone showed you kindness
with no expectation of thanks or payment... (just the feeling of WOW...I just did a kind thing)
may be you are the lucky person that this has happened to....
and imagine if this happened when you were at a particularly low period of your life

most of us would say if given the opportunity...we would be kind
and that we would be happy to do a kind deed for another human being...
but how many of us actually did a kind deed today or yesterday..
or indeed this month/year....
you can see where I am going with this????
So the moral of this story is....
Intention is fantastic....but doing is amazing....
imagine if we all did just one random act of kindness ( for no reward ) each day.....
Lets start today...

and there's more...: 1st day of 'Gun ex'
and there's more...: 1st day of 'Gun ex': oh my days... Only a 45 minute class...they said...�� now I understand why!!! You wouldnt do a 46 minute class �� And to anybody looking...
1st day of 'Gun ex'
oh my days...
Only a 45 minute class...they said...😃
now I understand why!!!
You wouldnt do a 46 minute class 😨
And to anybody looking in.. this is just swinging a rope...Easy.
yeah right
dont think I was expecting this to be as hard as what it was...
exhausting...will I do it again????
watch this space...
( and no...unfortunatley.. these guys were not in my class )😭
#GUNNING™ is a group exercise with GUN-eX® COBRA elastic ropes. Recommended group size is 10 – 20 people.
Only a 45 minute class...they said...😃
now I understand why!!!
You wouldnt do a 46 minute class 😨
And to anybody looking in.. this is just swinging a rope...Easy.
yeah right

dont think I was expecting this to be as hard as what it was...
exhausting...will I do it again????
watch this space...
( and no...unfortunatley.. these guys were not in my class )😭
#GUNNING™ is a group exercise with GUN-eX® COBRA elastic ropes. Recommended group size is 10 – 20 people.
Benefits of training with GUN-eX ropes are: high energy expenditure, muscle toning & pumping, developing speed, acceleration, strength, and power.
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
and there's more...: cant mix oil and water
and there's more...: cant mix oil and water: so this is the science of it...hmmmm...oh well it all makes sense now!!!! so how do I apply this to members of my family.... becau...
cant mix oil and water
so this is the science of it...hmmmm...oh well it all makes sense now!!!!

so how do I apply this to members of my family....
because it dosnt matter how I try....
and just like a good oil n water...u think they are mixing....and turn ye back fr a minute and they separated again
they just cant mix....obviously different POLARS!!!!!

so how do I apply this to members of my family....
because it dosnt matter how I try....
and just like a good oil n water...u think they are mixing....and turn ye back fr a minute and they separated again
they just cant mix....obviously different POLARS!!!!!
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
and there's more...: crash bang wallop...descending crow
and there's more...: crash bang wallop...descending crow: From Bakasana to.....fall from tree �� so this was the day ( today ) that I fell from grace or to be more precise from my crow pose!!!! I...
crash bang wallop...descending crow
From Bakasana to.....fall from tree 😢
so this was the day ( today ) that I fell from grace or to be more precise from my crow pose!!!!
I know the instructor said come down gracefully!!!!😕
and yes it did hurt..incase you are wandering
so this was the day ( today ) that I fell from grace or to be more precise from my crow pose!!!!
I know the instructor said come down gracefully!!!!😕

and yes I have done it in the past...well even as recent as last week
but just to keep me on my toes ( literally speaking ) it was decided by a higher power than me
that I should fall flat on my face ( and shoulder )
its true to say that I have been working out a lot on my arms this week!!!
and yes it was just too much for me...
what can I say...
'Its a learning curve ' ( curve being the operative word )

No pain gain...
and there's more...: letting go
and there's more...: letting go: So we have just celebrated several birthdays in one week!!! BIG FAMILY!!! �� yes to say I'm exhausted is an understatement.....physica...
letting go
So we have just celebrated several birthdays in one week!!!
yes to say I'm exhausted is an understatement.....physically and emotionally
not just due to running round organising...
shop runs for food etc....
selecting cards ( which always presents.. (pardon the pun ) me with a massive headache )..😓
keeping the peace!!!
so its fair to say an emotional roller coaster
which is always worse when you remember the people that are no longer able to celebrate the birthdays with you 💔
the sad thing ( may be sad isnt the right word ) is when the family get together its painfully obvious that its no longer just my family...
its my family with their ' husbands and wives ' my extended family
all with different personalities....even my own childrens personalities have changed
and the painful truth is I as a mother, who in the past has been very much in control, am no longer in control...
I cant say
'go and sit down and stop being difficult '
( well I cud..but they might not take kindly to it 😉especially the outlaws..oops I mean the Inlaws)
the moral to this story??????
And just accept the fact that I need to Let Go......
yes to say I'm exhausted is an understatement.....physically and emotionally
not just due to running round organising...
shop runs for food etc....
selecting cards ( which always presents.. (pardon the pun ) me with a massive headache )..😓
keeping the peace!!!
so its fair to say an emotional roller coaster
which is always worse when you remember the people that are no longer able to celebrate the birthdays with you 💔
the sad thing ( may be sad isnt the right word ) is when the family get together its painfully obvious that its no longer just my family...
its my family with their ' husbands and wives ' my extended family
all with different personalities....even my own childrens personalities have changed
and the painful truth is I as a mother, who in the past has been very much in control, am no longer in control...
I cant say
'go and sit down and stop being difficult '
( well I cud..but they might not take kindly to it 😉especially the outlaws..oops I mean the Inlaws)

And just accept the fact that I need to Let Go......
Sunday, 16 July 2017
and there's more...: Namaste
and there's more...: Namaste: Namaste.....???? Some of you may be looking at the screen in confusion.... has she changed language? has she mis-typed has she been dri...
Some of you may be looking at the screen in confusion....
has she changed language?
has she mis-typed
has she been drinking ( possibly 😉)
I'm guessing a lot more will recognise it as a 'Yoga term '
The literal translation of the word “Namaste” breaks down into three sections…Nama means bow; as means I; and, te means you. Thus, I bow to you. The gesture is one of greeting in India. Most often we hold our hands together in the prayer position at our heart chakra. Often our hands move from our third eye to our heart in acknowledgment of our teacher. And usually Namaste is said at the end of a class, but it is equally appropriate to utter it at the beginning as well.
greetings to you....
its fair to say that I am loving my yoga...and love discovering something different every day
problem is ..I am in such a hurry to learn more that I am jumping from one new thing to another without really taking anything in....
But I guess this is true of so many things in life...especially when we are loving them...
racing along to discover the next new wonderful chapter
( and really I need to slow down and enjoy the moment...enjoy today ....enjoy everything about it....the smells, the sounds, the sensations, the sorroundings,the sights... the discovery )
wow... the 5 'S' lol 😉
I hope you will enjoy being with me on my journey ...not just my yoga journey....but my life journey
Some of you may be looking at the screen in confusion....
has she changed language?
has she mis-typed
has she been drinking ( possibly 😉)
I'm guessing a lot more will recognise it as a 'Yoga term '
The literal translation of the word “Namaste” breaks down into three sections…Nama means bow; as means I; and, te means you. Thus, I bow to you. The gesture is one of greeting in India. Most often we hold our hands together in the prayer position at our heart chakra. Often our hands move from our third eye to our heart in acknowledgment of our teacher. And usually Namaste is said at the end of a class, but it is equally appropriate to utter it at the beginning as well.
greetings to you....
its fair to say that I am loving my yoga...and love discovering something different every day
problem is ..I am in such a hurry to learn more that I am jumping from one new thing to another without really taking anything in....
But I guess this is true of so many things in life...especially when we are loving them...
racing along to discover the next new wonderful chapter
( and really I need to slow down and enjoy the moment...enjoy today ....enjoy everything about it....the smells, the sounds, the sensations, the sorroundings,the sights... the discovery )
wow... the 5 'S' lol 😉
I hope you will enjoy being with me on my journey ...not just my yoga journey....but my life journey
Friday, 14 July 2017
and there's more...: Make it one of your one aday
and there's more...: Make it one of your one aday: It makes sense... go on....make Yoga one of your one a day...�� even if you just manage to find 10 minutes a day thats 50 minutes ...
Make it one of your one aday

It makes sense...
go on....make Yoga one of your one a day...😃
even if you just manage to find 10 minutes a day
thats 50 minutes a week
( thats with weekends off 😉 )
200 minutes a month...
wow ...
and all it starts with is 10 minutes a day...
it will be as familiar as brushing you teeth or
doing your hair...
Benefits enjoyed include....
increased flexibility
increased strength
increased core strength
increased balance ( surprisingly )
increased calm..ummmm
increased control
and so much more

but always remember...its your journey...not a competition with any one else....
listen to your kind to gentle on yourself....and just go to your gentle maximum
and each day is a new day....
just because today didnt feel improved....tomorrow may do....
Let yourself be amazed.....
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
and there's more...: Yoga every damn day
and there's more...: Yoga every damn day: OK OK.... may be not every day at a class....BUT .. we could do a little bit at home if its not possible to get to a class... ( some people...
Yoga every damn day
OK OK.... may be not every day at a class....BUT ..
we could do a little bit at home if its not possible to get to a class... ( some people even prefer to work out at home ..on their own 😉 )
And on another can spend time getting that position right...reaching your gentle maximum..
Because its YOUR JOURNEY.....
So we can take those stretches and Asanas (a posture adopted in performing yoga.)
and that all important Meditation with us...from the class and bring it home to practise and use it when it is practical to do so
Feel that positivity...enjoy your day....
we could do a little bit at home if its not possible to get to a class... ( some people even prefer to work out at home ..on their own 😉 )
And on another can spend time getting that position right...reaching your gentle maximum..
Because its YOUR JOURNEY.....
So we can take those stretches and Asanas (a posture adopted in performing yoga.)
and that all important Meditation with us...from the class and bring it home to practise and use it when it is practical to do so
Feel that positivity...enjoy your day....
Saturday, 1 July 2017
and there's more...: Yoga day
and there's more...: Yoga day: Loving my Yoga ...loving our new Yoga instructor....loving how it makes me feel... so after we lost our body balance instructor its f...
Yoga day

Loving my Yoga ...loving our new Yoga instructor....loving how it makes me feel...
so after we lost our body balance instructor its fair to say that I didnt think Id feel the same about any other class..
here I am ...couple of months on and I am loving my Yoga classes
Its tough .. but our instructor is awesome... she makes us feel anything is possible
I am not just enjoying the asanas..but also the meditation...
I feel I am a lot more relaxed, that I can really get into the mode...
I know its just the beginning of my yoga journey and I am looking forward to it...
So in the word of our instructor......BREATHE
(lovin it)
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