Thursday, 31 August 2017
and there's more...: good morning
and there's more...: good morning: Hope your day is the best possible ��
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
and there's more...: adopted
and there's more...: adopted revisited: Unimaginable how watching #Long Lost Families can bring back such vivid memories... just seeing a birth certificate ...and the word A d...
adopted revisited....
Unimaginable how watching #Long Lost Families can bring back such vivid memories...
just seeing a birth certificate ...and the word Adopted on it
in that place... just added on the edge of the real place for it to go...
it catapulted me back in time...a real awful day in my life on so many levels....
strange thing is how you relive not just the event but the feelings...
The day didnt start off bad...the opposite in fact...I needed to get a copy of my birth certificate..I was getting married...
and due to my very dysfunctional childhood ( thats being polite ) it was a f**k up to be birth certificate had been lost/ misplaced/ thrown away...who knows? ( bit like myself and my sister )
so I had to go to the births/marriages/deaths department to request a copy...not too difficult.... I hear you say...little did I know what the day would hold
Its fair to say that I wasnt as calm then, as what I am today, but in the same situation I would probably react the same....
I dont know what I was expecting ...and the wait in the reception area didnt help matters.....
But when the woman handed me this newly printed form I was not prepared for what was on it.....
The only word that I saw was
The good thing is I know I have moved on so much...and I think it is what makes me strong now...its definitely what make me feel so blessed for what I have and the person I am family and frends and how far away from those awful beginnings , I have come.
just seeing a birth certificate ...and the word Adopted on it
in that place... just added on the edge of the real place for it to go...
it catapulted me back in time...a real awful day in my life on so many levels....
strange thing is how you relive not just the event but the feelings...
The day didnt start off bad...the opposite in fact...I needed to get a copy of my birth certificate..I was getting married...
and due to my very dysfunctional childhood ( thats being polite ) it was a f**k up to be birth certificate had been lost/ misplaced/ thrown away...who knows? ( bit like myself and my sister )
so I had to go to the births/marriages/deaths department to request a copy...not too difficult.... I hear you say...little did I know what the day would hold
Its fair to say that I wasnt as calm then, as what I am today, but in the same situation I would probably react the same....
I dont know what I was expecting ...and the wait in the reception area didnt help matters.....
But when the woman handed me this newly printed form I was not prepared for what was on it.....
The only word that I saw was
I was confused....
I was so angry....hurt...upset...distraught...
I was livid!!!!!
The poor woman didnt know what to do
'what is that doing on there!!!!? '
'What have you wrote that on there for? ' I shrieked at her
'Take it off...take it off ' I carried on shouting
I thought you knew...she said trying to remain calm
'I dont want that on you can print me another and take it off!!! '
( to me it was that matter of fact...thats what I wanted ! )
I can hear myself now...see myself someone demented!!!!
I just turned and leant against the wall...I just wanted to slide down it ..tears streaming down my face ..which I was not gonna let her see
even though I was grown up and away from her...that awful God forsaken excuse for a human being who adopted me was still managing to hurt me..affect me....
that made me even more angry......
and unlike the situation where I was able to get away from her and leave the awful events behind me..
I was not able to get away from this!!!!!
all that was going through my head was how I was going to get it off!!!!
I could hear the woman talking to me but the words just werent going in.....
'Unfortunately that has to stop on there..its a legal document and cant be altered' she told me
that was not what I wanted to hear....
I left the office empty handed....
I was not going to have that document with that on it!!!
funny thing was that i convinced myself in a moment that I didnt need it and I could get married without it!!!!
Moral of this story think you get over things... that you have drawn a line under it..shut the door....but in reality....theres always a TRIGGER
when you least expect it..when you have dropped your guard

Thank the Blessed Lord for what you have blessed me with
you just got to makes sense

its the way forward
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
and there's more...: Mudra 2
and there's more...: Mudra 2: Good evening So this is the 2nd of my blogs on Mudra.... this is not meant to be in any order of importance or any other kind of orde...
Mudra 2
Good evening 

So this is the 2nd of my blogs on Mudra....
this is not meant to be in any order of importance or any other kind of order.... just randomly picked
Hopefully this will reinforce my understanding!!! ( I did say hopefully 🙈)
This mudra would of been really useful to have learnt years ago...if only I'd of known it!!
Shuni Mudra

Also known as the Seal of Patience.
The tip of the middle finger and tip of the thumb come together uniting the elements of fire and connection, using just enough pressure to feel the flow of energy but not too whiten the fingertips. The remaining 3 fingers are straight but not rigid.
This mudra symbolises patience and discipline encouraging compassion, understanding and patience towards others.....helping to develop noble thoughts, turning negative emotions into positive ones.
this mudra can be especially useful if you feel yourself becoming impatient with someone/something.
benefits also include seeing through to the end of tasks.
ie. if someone you are meeting is running late! ( this is going to be practised a lot when I am waiting for my daughter! ) 😉
Monday, 28 August 2017
and there's more...: mudra
and there's more...: mudra: Mudra When I started to do Yoga, I thought it was a combination of stretches poses meditation and some very strange the wo...
When I started to do Yoga, I thought it was a combination of stretches poses meditation and some very strange the word mudra was something very alien to me.
As time went on I wanted to know more about that meant getting to know these mudras ...
as these are quite often part of yoga classes.
They are symbolic gestures often practiced with the hands and fingers. A seal
so a hasta mudra means hand gesture and they are adopted during asana (posture), pranayama (prana..meaning fundamental life force and ayama meaning control or extend/draw out).... and meditation.
I find the actual explanation very confusing but hopefully as times goes on it will become clear ! 😉
A mudra is performed to direct the flow of energy through the body for various purposes
ie promote healing or calming the mind

Different areas of the hands are connected with areas in the body and the brain. So when we place our hands in yoga mudras, we stimulate different areas of the brain and create a specific energy circuit in the body. By doing this, we help generate a specific state of mind.
One such Mudra is Guyan Mudra or chin mudrajoin the tips of the index finger and thumb to form Guyan Mudra as shown above. keeping the other 3 fingers together and slightly stretched.
It symbolises the unity of fire and air as well as the unity of universal and individual consciousness.
The Gyana mudra increases concentration, creativity, and is a gesture of knowledge.
They can be performed anytime, although sitting in the lotus/cross legged position and focusing on healing can be advantageous. As with many mudras regular practice will contribus te to overall good health.
The theory ithat when a finger representing am element is brought into contact with the thumb, that element is brought into balance.

Good health
and there's more...: meno....pause
and there's more...: meno....pause: Yep I can see now why they call it.... . MENO.....PAUSE for me every symptom has paused not stopped but does everything in slow speed.... ...
Yep I can see now why they call it..... MENO.....PAUSE
for me every symptom has paused not stopped but does everything in slow speed....
Menopause, also known as the climacteric, is the time in most women's lives when menstrual periods stop permanently, and they are no longer able to bear children.[2][8] ( Wikipedia )
I was probably about 15 when I 1st had a about
average ..I think.
I was regular and had a period about every 28 days except
when I had my 5 children.
symptoms of oncoming period briefly included....
lower back pain 3 days before...
headache couple of days before ...very tender breasts week
nausea day before and during period and obviously
stomach pains.....
I was quite surprised at 53 to be still having regular periods.
It was just after this that I noticed changes which included...
and yes I was thinking...
I wasnt going to have any more...
(I did have a test last year which said I hadnt many more eggs
left and I wouldnt have any more periods after last year..
but hey ho...
they are still apperioding 😉 Sorry I couldnt resist it...
( its a good job that I still took precautions 😉)
or there could of been a bambino on the scene...
( joking apart though...when I was told I hadnt many eggs left..
I immediately went into a bit of a panic and came over all
maternal and thought may be I should have one last baby
How weird are we........
So back to reality....I get another #period after 3 months...
and the build up to it was a pain in the ~~~~
the symptoms have been apparent for the last 3 weeks
or more..
especially the hard stomach ..#nausea..#tender breasts...
#back ache
( I actually thought I might have been expecting!!!! 😄)
no not really funny!
So the question is ..How long is this going to last..or do I
get hormone treatment...
Do I go au nateral...questions questions
oh and ive just remembered about another symptom..
and this is really annoying..thin skin!!!!!!
yes my skin especially on my face seems thinner..
less elasticity..less plump...
now that in itself is a big yessssss for hormone teatment
( if it addresses that ??)
So lets see how long this little #periodical lasts!!!!!!!
for me every symptom has paused not stopped but does everything in slow speed....
Menopause, also known as the climacteric, is the time in most women's lives when menstrual periods stop permanently, and they are no longer able to bear children.[2][8] ( Wikipedia )
I was probably about 15 when I 1st had a about
average ..I think.
I was regular and had a period about every 28 days except
when I had my 5 children.
symptoms of oncoming period briefly included....
lower back pain 3 days before...
headache couple of days before ...very tender breasts week
stomach pains.....
I was quite surprised at 53 to be still having regular periods.
It was just after this that I noticed changes which included...
- time between period would be 5 weeks..then 6 weeks
- symptoms worse
- symptoms would be start earlier and last for longer and be more acute
- period would last longer
- emotional meltdown
- panic attacks
- nausea especially would be more obvious and last longer
- tiredness ( which I know could be due to age or doing more exercise )
- stomach hard and bloated for 4 weeks out of six

I wasnt going to have any more...
(I did have a test last year which said I hadnt many more eggs
left and I wouldnt have any more periods after last year..
but hey ho...
they are still apperioding 😉 Sorry I couldnt resist it...
( its a good job that I still took precautions 😉)
or there could of been a bambino on the scene...
( joking apart though...when I was told I hadnt many eggs left..
I immediately went into a bit of a panic and came over all
maternal and thought may be I should have one last baby
How weird are we........
So back to reality....I get another #period after 3 months...
and the build up to it was a pain in the ~~~~
the symptoms have been apparent for the last 3 weeks
or more..
especially the hard stomach ..#nausea..#tender breasts...
#back ache
( I actually thought I might have been expecting!!!! 😄)
no not really funny!
So the question is ..How long is this going to last..or do I
get hormone treatment...
Do I go au nateral...questions questions
oh and ive just remembered about another symptom..
and this is really annoying..thin skin!!!!!!
yes my skin especially on my face seems thinner..
less elasticity..less plump...
now that in itself is a big yessssss for hormone teatment
( if it addresses that ??)
So lets see how long this little #periodical lasts!!!!!!!
Sunday, 27 August 2017
and there's more...: An excellent way to start the day
and there's more...: An excellent way to start the day: NAMASTE An excellent start to any day but specially if you have a busy day in front of you.. Or even if yesterday was a busy day.....
An excellent way to start the day

An excellent start to any day but specially if you have a busy day in front of you..
Or even if yesterday was a busy day....
like a bank Holiday 😉
In fact why not do it every day....
and there's more...: Bank Holiday Weekend
and there's more...: Bank Holiday Weekend: Good Morning Beautiful People...hope u are all enjoying your bank holiday Its fair to say that most of us look forward to a bank holiday...
Bank Holiday Weekend
Good Morning Beautiful People...hope u are all enjoying your bank holiday
I can relate to the stress in the kitchen! from the ladies mainly..buzzing round trying to keep everyone keep everything moving along etc ( oh yes remember that only too well)
Its fair to say that most of us look forward to a bank holiday weekend...( especially when its the last one before Christmas 🙈)
for various reasons...
- an opportunity to have a lay in/or just do nothing
- time off work
- spend more time with family/frends
- visit old frends
- visit one of the many events on
- eat out/barbeque
- catch up on housework/jobs
- go to the sales
And I could go on....
so when I got invited to a barbeque/birthday party, I accepted
Lots of lovly food, few glasses of wine, and an opportunity to minglw with people that I dont know very well
And it was enjoyable
But how strange I felt... a lot like a fish out of water...
Over the last 30 years or so I have put loads of get togethers on...birthdays, christmas, baptisms, family meals etc.... and I have always been the Hostess
So it was very strange for me to sit back and, not just relax ( I'm not really very good at that ) but to watch how other people do it ( not in a critical way!!! 😉)
But an opportunity to people watch ( I love that..)

you can observe the small groups that people congregate in...ladies seem to stay in the same groups..heads together hushed talks....
men tend to mingle and seem more relaxed from my observation.... talking loudly and openly
Yes it was very nice but not something I would like to do every weekend...probably because I dont know the group well..and yes I am used to being in groups of people i know very well...
after saying that it is good to go out of our comfort zone sometimes and it was lovely not having the usual stress that goes with hosting an event... ( and it was very kind of people to invite us..)
but it kind of reminds me that I have always been a bit of a control freak ( ok family would say a lot of a control freak 😉) and loved all the control that came with me organising everything...
But, may be its age or wisdom or both 😉 but I am quite happy to let others take the lead now and the STRESS....SOMETIMES
Be happy
#Bank holiday,
#people watching,
coming together,
Saturday, 26 August 2017
and there's more...: Bank Holiday
and there's more...: Bank Holiday: Good Morning Have a beautiful and restful Bank Holiday what ever you are doing and where ever you are x
Bank Holiday
Good Morning 

Have a beautiful and restful Bank Holiday what ever you are doing and where ever you are
Friday, 25 August 2017
and there's more...: Some people come with a special gift
and there's more...: Some people come with a special gift: so we all have that one person that comes into our lives and somehow changes how we see the might not happen immediately ( alth...
Some people come with a special gift
so we all have that one person that comes into our lives and somehow changes how we see the might not happen immediately ( although sometimes it can..especially if that person is someone you fall in love with )
more often than not, it happens over time and your love or admiration for that person grows with time and you start to notice how they have influenced your view of life..
they somehow give you the ability to see see the sun where you once saw clouds, they seem to believe in you so much , you start to believe in you too. The people that love you, simply for being you.The once in a lifetime kind of people.
One such person came into my life several years ago..( having said that I am very blessed and have some very special people in my from God )
And I must be honest I couldn't understand why she bothered with me...and she always made me feel so special...she had loads of friends..good friends..lovly friends ...and now I was one of them
I truly believe she was a gift from God....she renewed my faith in human beings...she wasnt related to me, and she didnt have to be nice to me..BUT SHE WAS!!!
But I feel very fortunate to have had her in my life...Yes some people come into our lives and leave footprints in our hearts and our souls...and we will always be grateful they are there....
Thursday, 24 August 2017
and there's more...: Another Inspiration
and there's more...: Another Inspiration: Good morning beautiful people.. That said..we should aspire to make the most of TODAY...... On that note ...I would like to share w...
Another Inspiration

That said..we should aspire to make the most of TODAY......
On that note ...I would like to share with you ANOTHER INSPIRATION
#Jean Dawson is 100 years old and still goes to her yoga classes!!
Jean Dawson practises #Iyengar Yoga which is characterized by the focus on body alignment and by the use of yoga props such as yoga blocks and belts. Mrs Dawson says that yoga helped her cure her back pains and gave her better flexibility and stamina.
This amazing lady was still practising headstands and shoulder stands at the age of 97..
but unfortunately had to stop due to blood pressure...
I think the most amazing fact of this story is that Jean didnt start yoga until she was 67 after seeing an ad about it in her neighbourhood, and credits it for her health and longevity.
“I don’t know how I would be today if I hadn’t taken up Iyengar Yoga. It has given me good posture, balance, concentration, flexibility and stamina,” reported Jean
Well I dont know about you....but if its good enough for Jean ..its good enough for share her story with all your treasured family members...including those silver foxes, aunts, uncles,granma's ( my category 😉) granpa's, mothers and fathers right now...
You know it makes sense....
The moral of the story?

Tuesday, 22 August 2017
and there's more...: Mindfulness
and there's more...: Mindfulness: Mindfulness/Meditation what is this? Meditation is a simple practice available to all, which can reduce stress, increase calmnes...
what is this?
Meditation is a simple practice available to all, which can reduce stress, increase calmness and clarity and promote happiness. Learning how to meditate is straightforward, and the benefits can come quickly. Here, we offer basic tips to get you started on a path toward greater equanimity, acceptance and joy. Take a deep breath, and get ready to relax. (david gelles)
for me I initially found even the idea of it very strange ..and difficult....
to lie in a room at the end of a yoga session, full of people/strangers, possibly with my eyes closed was very uncomfortable territory....
I thought that I would never feel mind would be racing...wandering what I had to do later.....I could feel my heart beating and it felt that it would beat right out of my chest some times!!
I did not get anything out of it at be truthful, sometimes I would leave before the meditation...
it just didnt suit my hyper personality
the concept of strangers/instructors seeing me at , what i percieved to be a very vunerable position, filled me with stress ( the complete opposite of what it should do)
But, 12 months on, I'm pleased to say that i stuck with it and hung around for meditation more often and it started to feel a lot less alien.. and.I actually find myself looking forward to it
its fair to say that some days are better than others...I can get to quite a calm state in a few moments ..listening to the instructor and taking it all in....
an instructor can be a really good focus and I personally think I would find it a lot harder on my own......on a good session I experience a calm that that I have never felt before....a stillness..a quietness.. quieten the mind....
And then other days ..i struggle... even to relax..I am constantly distracted,
It is very early days for me and I am looking forward to learning more about meditation...
we are instructed to remember the calm and to take it with be recalled when we find our selves anxious....I find it fascinating
and there's more...: Total Eclipse Splendour
and there's more...: Total Eclipse Splendour: Good Morning on this historic day when The USA got a wonderful show of A Total Eclipse T hey saw the moon blot out the sun, cause a...
Total Eclipse Splendour
Good Morning on this historic day when The USA got a wonderful show of A Total Eclipse

They saw the moon blot out the sun, cause a drop in temperature and turn daylight into twilight. It is expected to be the most observed and most photographed eclipse in history.
for some people a once in a life time opportunity.....
Day turned to night for two minutes during the eclipse, visible in a 70-mile-wide (113-km-wide), 2,500-mile-long (4,000-km-long) zone in the US, drawing one of the largest audiences in human history.
The last time such a spectacle unfolded from the Pacific to the Atlantic coast was in 1918. The last total eclipse seen anywhere in the United States took place in 1979.
The Canadian Space Agency described the initial glimpses of the eclipse as "Beautiful!" as Americans watched in wonder through telescopes, cameras and protective glasses. ( as reported in the telegraph )

It was very eerie.. it dropped cold...darkness descended on us and there seemed to be a stillness with everyone observing this fascinating sight... the birds could be heard they would at the break of day..very odd sensation
I was blessed with 4 children then and no granchildren and I am now blessed with 5 and 8 granchildren..( thank the Lord for them )
So I cant wait to see how much my family has grown when the next eclipse shows itself ( which is 2024..God spares us 🙏)
Have a fab day😘
#total eclipse,
Monday, 21 August 2017
and there's more...: yoga for life....golden yogis
and there's more...: yoga for life....golden yogis: Namaste so my previous blog was all about the celebrated yoga teacher Tao Porchon-Lynch 98 years old ( Named “Oldest Yoga Tea...
yoga for life....golden yogis
so my previous blog was all about the celebrated yoga teacher #Tao Porchon-Lynch 98 years old
( Named “Oldest Yoga Teacher” by Guinness World Records in 2012)
yes an amazing lady to say the least...
and yes, surprisingly, there are a lot of amazing older people out there who devote their lives to being healthy and fit and include yoga in their recipe for a long and healthy life.
And funnily enough lycra leggings are NOT essential😉

There’s no need for hours and hours of headstands to benefit. In this study, volunteers did just one hour of #Kundalini yoga a week. This is a gentle form of yoga that incorporates breathing techniques, meditation and some chanting of mantras. The latter may feel silly at first but can be easier than other forms of meditation. The study participants also did 20 minutes daily of #Kirtan Kriya, a type of meditation involving chanting, hand movements and visualization of light.
there are many benefits that yoga can give to every one... but especially beneficial as we get older:
Increased flexibility
Strengthens muscles ( including ones that we may have forgotten about ! )
Creates mindfulness ( giving a feeling of empowerment, improving sleep, improving the way we breathe )
Improves Balance ( especially important as we get older )
Gives confidence ( an opportunity to join classes and regain a social life and companionship )
So be the best version of YOU at any age...its never too late to start Yoga
and there's more...: Life is it
and there's more...: Life is it: These kind of statements can conjure up many kind of feelings/emotions and indeed, memories............ foto by chardonnay For my...
Life is it

foto by chardonnay
For myself, it has in the past, been something I would say/or think about in times of extreme sadness.
For example when I have lost someone very precious to me....
Or at times when there has been tragedy in the world...(remembering the victims and families of the attacks in spain this weekend💔)
Or even when someone has hurt my feelings and I feel that may be I shouldnt waste time on people who dont care....
so at mostly sad/down, times in my life....
But more recently I have seen this as a positive statement...may be its because I am getting older...( I dont know wether that means I'm less sensitive...or more positive...or just aware time is passing me by..... 😉)

Time is of the essence..if there's something you want to do ..dont it today..
So long as it doesn't hurt any one in the process go for it....follow your matter how small or big....
because tomorrow is not promised
(So do it today....😉)
Sunday, 20 August 2017
and there's more...: All good things come to those who are patient
and there's more...: All good things come to those who are patient: My cousin and I have now been at our new gym for about 6 weeks. And we are really impressed....all be it there has been a few mishaps ( bu...
All good things come to those who are patient
My cousin and I have now been at our new gym for about 6 weeks.
And we are really impressed....all be it there has been a few mishaps
( but that is with injuries ..not the establishment )
I think its fair to say that as 2 older ladies ( one in her 50's and one in her 60's... and I'm not prepared to spill the beans about who fits into which Category!!! because she'll kill me !!! 🙊 )
we are in quite a hurry to crack on and try all the different classes and be the best we can....
and we are both probably being a little ambitious...and we want results yesterday..
and to rush anything is probably not good rush to be fit is going to have problems!!
specifically INJURIES!!
thankfully the injuries sustained by us are pretty minor..and more inconvenient than anything else...
(I hurt my back...which I can not say for certain was during my classes, then i hurt my shoulder, which I admit was being too ambitious in the classes...It happened whilst trying to do 'Wild thing')
(my cousin ..who will admit, although very fit/active, is not a regular at the gym until now...also injured her shouder whilst...would you believe doing 'wild thing'......)
It is ..i think an advanced move...combining twist and balance and strength....and like all asana's should be worked to ones own limits..and of course there are variations for beginners.... (definitely a note to us I think !!)
For me just meant that I had to take things easy..and yes I still went to the gym..yes silly I know
But for my cousin it has meant she has had to have a fortnight off too date...this has led to her being very frustrated and feels that all her hard work in the early days has been wasted.
But its not the end of the world and hopefully once she has rested it fully she can come back and do some more gentle poses....
still managing to work our arm ( to lift our coffee cups....ok ok and our wine glasses 😉 ) and our facial muscles ( smiles/laughs and chats😉) so not all bad news
Moral too this story...
All good things come to those who wait....And who do things gradually 😉 Namaste

And we are really impressed....all be it there has been a few mishaps
( but that is with injuries ..not the establishment )
I think its fair to say that as 2 older ladies ( one in her 50's and one in her 60's... and I'm not prepared to spill the beans about who fits into which Category!!! because she'll kill me !!! 🙊 )
we are in quite a hurry to crack on and try all the different classes and be the best we can....
and we are both probably being a little ambitious...and we want results yesterday..
and to rush anything is probably not good rush to be fit is going to have problems!!
specifically INJURIES!!
thankfully the injuries sustained by us are pretty minor..and more inconvenient than anything else...
(I hurt my back...which I can not say for certain was during my classes, then i hurt my shoulder, which I admit was being too ambitious in the classes...It happened whilst trying to do 'Wild thing')

It is ..i think an advanced move...combining twist and balance and strength....and like all asana's should be worked to ones own limits..and of course there are variations for beginners.... (definitely a note to us I think !!)
For me just meant that I had to take things easy..and yes I still went to the gym..yes silly I know
But for my cousin it has meant she has had to have a fortnight off too date...this has led to her being very frustrated and feels that all her hard work in the early days has been wasted.
But its not the end of the world and hopefully once she has rested it fully she can come back and do some more gentle poses....
still managing to work our arm ( to lift our coffee cups....ok ok and our wine glasses 😉 ) and our facial muscles ( smiles/laughs and chats😉) so not all bad news
Moral too this story...
All good things come to those who wait....And who do things gradually 😉 Namaste

Saturday, 19 August 2017
and there's more...: yoga nonagenarian ...there are no limits... Tao P...
and there's more...: yoga nonagenarian ...there are no limits... Tao P...: I look with envy at the beautiful supple healthy 20/30 something yogis...who bend their bodies into seemingly impossible positions.... Its ...
yoga nonagenarian ...there are no limits... Tao Porchon-Lynch

Its this that I aspire to be....
And lets face it ...its never going to happen...I am never going to look like that again ( not that I ever did!! )
But it definitely gives me the motivation to push forward with my yoga practice...
because at the end of the day...I will be the best version of me...
so imagine my surprise and delight when I came across this
well prepare to be amazed as I was, whilst flicking through some yoga articles I came across this amazing lady...
This amazing lady was born in 1918 and still teaches Yoga
And unlike the majority of all-natural, vegan yogis, Tao Porchon-Lynch wears big earrings, has brightly-painted nails, is always in high heels (well, except for when she’s doing yoga) and she loves wine. She is definitely outside the box..bless her
Tao Porchon-Lynch has always led an exotic life - she was born in India, moved to London in 1940, danced for soldiers in Europe and then moved to Hollywood, during her fascinating life she’s spent time with Mahatma Gandhi, Noël Coward, Marilyn Monroe and the Dalai Lama.
It was whilst growing up in India that she discovered yoga: at the age of eight, she spotted boys on the beach contorting their bodies into strange poses. “I went to my aunt and said, ‘Can they let me be part of it?’ And she said: ‘That isn’t a game, it is yoga and it’s not for girls. It’s not ladylike.’ So I started doing it,” Porchon-Lynch told the New York Times.
She admits that time has taken an inevitable toll on her health; just a few years ago, she had to have a total hip replacement, and in 2011 she broke her wrist...
When I read this it certainly inspired me... especially as I am the other side of 50..and I often find myself wandering if I have left it too late to start a life and may be a career in this wonderful ancient practice.
'Tao's philosophy is: "There is nothing we cannot do if we harness the power within us."'
And if its good enough for Tao Porchon-Lynch.....
Friday, 18 August 2017
and there's more...: Nature is B-E-A-UTIFUL
and there's more...: Nature is B-E-A-UTIFUL: NO FILTER REQUIRED........ fotos by Chardonnay August 2017
Nature is B-E-A-UTIFUL
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
and there's more...: My Damaged Chakra
and there's more...: My Damaged Chakra: So what is a 'chakra?'. ...... is what I was asking a few months ago... And its fair to say that I'm not really any the wiser.....
My Damaged Chakra
So what is a 'chakra?'....... is what I was asking a few months ago...
And its fair to say that I'm not really any the wiser...but I am working on it
What I know so far:
And its fair to say that I'm not really any the wiser...but I am working on it
What I know so far:
The Chakras
- The Crown Chakra
- The Third Eye Chakra
- The Throat Chakra
- The Heart Chakra
- The Solar Plexus Chakra
- The Sacral Chakra
- The Root Chakra
- There are officially 7 chakras...but to enhance our learning, Familiarity with the 12 chakra system adds depth, context, and appreciation for your understanding of the energetic system. ( )
- so I did a simple quiz to see how balanced or not my 'chakras' were...
- It revealed that my Solar Plexus Chakra was the weakest
- this chakra is located in the upper abdomen ..associated with self - esteem, confidence, willpower, self allows us to have control of our thoughts and emotional responses, be confident and set healthy boundaries, enabling us to be at peace with ourselves
- So that didnt come as much of a shock to me
a fascinating but quite complex subject......
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