Thursday, 30 March 2017

and there's more...: simple things are sometimes the best

and there's more...: simple things are sometimes the best: So I had the pleasure of spending the day with my cousin yesterday.. didnt do anything what you might class as exciting...but we had th...

simple things are sometimes the best

So I had the pleasure of spending the day with my cousin yesterday..
didnt do anything what you might class as exciting...but
we had the nicest day...
drinking coffee... 
it didnt cost loads of money..( mainly window shopping )
and we had a spot of lunch..( again, nothing fancy )
we walked our legs and out of all the shops
And theres more.... another coffee
we chatted our heads off, 
and laughed til we cried..
and it didnt cost hardly anything and what I'm trying to say is 
The moral of this story is having a good time needn't cost a fortune....Simple things are often the best

Monday, 27 March 2017

and there's more...: they say...have a little faith

and there's more...: they say...have a little faith:   Cant believe how much faith my frends have in me...  they see things that I only dream of... I see an insecure mind and body... whe...

they say...have a little faith

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Cant believe how much faith my frends have in me... 
they see things that I only dream of...
I see an insecure mind and body...
where they see confident and secure 
I see the negative...
where they see the positive
I see failure...
where they see success

Thank you for having faith in me.....
Thankfully.... I do have faith in The Lord

Sunday, 26 March 2017

and there's more...: what a beautiful day

and there's more...: what a beautiful day: Not only has the sun got her hat on... but it is also Mother's day.... What a fabulous day I have had...spent in the sunshine surro...

what a beautiful day

Not only has the sun got her hat on...
but it is also Mother's day....
Image result for a beautiful blessed mothers day

What a fabulous day I have had...spent in the sunshine surrounded by my children and their children ( my grandchildren )
Today and every day I thank The Blessed Lord for my family
( of course we have our fall outs and disagreements...but on days like today I remember how blessed I am... I fall to my Knees and thank The Lord ) Image result for thank you lord for your blessings

Saturday, 25 March 2017

and there's more...: Yoga goal ...

and there's more...: Yoga goal ...: i am enjoying yoga so much...even though it isvery early days yet.. I am so passionate about  getting

Yoga goal ...

i am enjoying yoga so much...even though it isvery early days yet..
I am so passionate aboutImage result for yoga..forehead on knees
 getting balances..stretches..balances..correct
even though some are really tough
even simple stuff like the above position ( seated forward bend )
I could not get my forehead anywhere near my knees 12 months ago... i have improved but there is room for so much more improvement...
through listening to my instructor and following people on line I have picked up several really good tips...
  • breath..always a good idea ...into the stretch
  • relax...try to release any tension
  • some times are better than others...
  • dont compete with others..everyone is different
  • left n right side of body can be different... eg you may be more stretchy on left than right
I will keep trying....Image result for yoga stretches

and there's more...: spring has sprung

and there's more...: spring has sprung: what a beautiful day it has been in the uk....  it truly feels like spring has arrived in all her glory birds singing.. buds sprouting ...

spring has sprung

Image result for vapour trails from planes in our blue skies
what a beautiful day it has been in the uk.... 
it truly feels like spring has arrived in all her glory
birds singing..
buds sprouting on the trees..
beautiful blue skies disturbed only by vapour trails from jet planes..
Image result for picnicsthoughts of picnics...
bike rides.. 
grandchildren playing at the park..
walks in the countryside

Image result for bike rides countryside cartoon pic by Guardian

Thursday, 23 March 2017

and there's more...: so if at first...

and there's more...: so if at first...: Its an old saying... if at first you dont succeed Give it another try... we all owe it to ourselves to try try and try again....

so if at first...

Its an old saying... if at first you dont succeed

Give it another try...

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we all owe it to ourselves to try try and try again...
 (And the odd prayer helps)
even at 54... 😉

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

and there's more...: wow..roller coaster of a week

and there's more...: wow..roller coaster of a week: It started with a kiss.....well no not really.... it started with a CV and that was a week ago.... ( I saw a nice li'l part time posit...

wow..roller coaster of a started with a kiss

It started with a kiss.....well no not really.... it started with a CV
and that was a week ago....
Related image( I saw a nice li'l part time position advertised and quickly sent my cv across) not really expecting a reply
but a li'l later that day  I recieved a call inviting me to an interview with the recruitment agency
  ( yeah thats kind of what I thought...a ploy to get another member on their books )
And the inerview was arranged for the same day!!!   I was in shock
For all intents and purposes it seemed a very positive meeting...staff were all really friendly 
They assured me they would be in touch.. ( i didnt hold my breath )
It was about 3 days after when I got another call from the agency saying they had secured me an interview with the company!!  Yes once again I was in shock...deeper shock!!
She advised me to research the company and prep well ( which I did)
I was the 1st on the list for interview...9am...I arrived at 8.30!!! ( well Id been up since 3am!! )
waited outside for a while ( didnt want to appear over eager!! lol )
Once again the interview went very well ...had a really good rapport with the company receptionist ( which would be the position I would be sharing)
And things just seemed to get better...meeting with PA  seemed very positive ( I didnt want to hope for too much and told myself... 'It was good practice to have lots of interviews... even if I didnt get the job!!'
She said she had interviews all day and also one next week.....
I came out and sighed a big sigh of relief... I did my best and its now in the lap of the Gods
Image result for they offered me the job job cartoonThe recruitment agency contacted me to ask how it went   and I assured them I'd done my best...
So yes long weekend .. wandering...doubting...planning..
And as promised I was contacted on the Monday...
Imagine my surprise...shock...amazement...excitement when she told me they wanted to offer me the job..... I couldnt stop thanking the woman from the agency...who assured me how very pleased they were too have me on board  ( well you could of knocked me down with a feather )
I feel very humbled to have the chance at another job at my age (54)
so needless to say lots of prayers offered today ( as always)

and there's more...: Beautiful orchids...heaven scent

and there's more...: Beautiful orchids...heaven scent: These are some snaps of my beautiful orchids .... beauty is in the eye of the beholder behold the beauty of nature.....   Orchid  Sto...

Beautiful orchids...heaven scent

These are some snaps of my beautiful orchids .... beauty is in the eye of the beholder
behold the beauty of nature.....

 Orchid Story & Origins. The name orchid is derived from the Greek word “orkhis”. This exotic flower was named by an ancient Greek botanist named Theophrastos who thought that the fleshy underground tubers resembled the male anatomy. There are many types of orchids, with over 20,000 species in the world.

Orchid Meaning and Symbolism -

Monday, 20 March 2017

and there's more...: my body balance journey....and aims

and there's more...: my body balance journey....and aims: I absolutely love my #lesmilllbodybalance class...which I think is obvious  ( because I don't shut up about it ) and I have probably ...

my body balance journey....and aims

Image result for rubbish yoga position cartoonI absolutely love my #lesmilllbodybalance class...which I think is obvious 
( because I don't shut up about it )
and I have probably been doing it regularly for about 18 months or so...
Its fair to say that when I started I was pretty rubbish... 
and I never thought I would get any better,
well the truth of the matter is that YES I have improved ( not good by any stretch of the imagination...pardon the pun!!! )
And yes there is miles of improvement to go..
But what I have seen  ( and felt ) is a real improvement in my personal journey
I feel stronger, more flexible, healthier, and funnily enough more positive...

Related imageI have actually just conquered the Bird....and I didnt think I would ever be able to   after a few mishaps

My aim too continue to improve my personal goals....

and there's more...: dame Vera Lynn

and there's more...: dame Vera Lynn: 'Happy 100th birthday to the forces sweetheart Vera Lynn' This beautiful lady was the sunshine for many forces personnel on some...

dame Vera Lynn

'Happy 100th birthday to the forces sweetheart Vera Lynn'
This beautiful lady was the sunshine for many forces personnel on some very dark days....
The white cliffs of Dover celebrated in the 1942 wartime song made famous by Dame Vera Lynn will have her image projected onto them to mark her 100th birthday.

The Forces' sweetheart to be projected on the white cliffs of Dover
A 350ft image of Dame Vera, who is affectionately known as The Forces' Sweetheart, will also mark the release of her new album, Vera Lynn 100.    ( as reported by Sky News )
Dame Vera Margaret Lynn CH DBE OStJ (née Welch; born 20 March 1917[1]), widely known as "the Forces' Sweetheart", is an English singer, songwriter and actress. Her musical recordings and performances were enormously popular during the Second World War.
During the war she toured EgyptIndia, and Burma as part of ENSA, giving outdoor concerts for the troops. The songs most associated with her are "We'll Meet Again", "The White Cliffs of Dover", "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" and "There'll Always Be an England".
She remained popular after the war, appearing on radio and television in the UK and the US and recording such hits as "Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart" and her UK Number one single "My Son, My Son". Her last single, "I Love This Land", was released to mark the end of the Falklands War. In 2009, at age 92, she became the oldest living artist to top the UK Albums Chart.[2]
She has devoted much time and energy to charity work connected with ex-servicemen, disabled children, and breast cancer. She is held in great affection by veterans of the Second World War to this day and in 2000 was named the Briton who best exemplified the spirit of the 20th century.[3]
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
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Saturday, 18 March 2017

and there's more...: body balance time

and there's more...: body balance time: cant believe I hadnt been to my class for nearly a week!!! and it seemed longer... sure I did a bit at home...( you cud say im not focus...

body balance time

cant believe I hadnt been to my class for nearly a week!!!
and it seemed longer...
Image result for yoga not focused
sure I did a bit at home...( you cud say im not focused enough ) because I never seem to get in to the zone at home
Image result for yoga cartoon images   needless to say I feel so much better after a class...Related image

Friday, 17 March 2017

and there's more...: have a crackin...and blessed st patricks day

and there's more...: have a crackin...and blessed st patricks day: Have a cracking and Blessed St Patrick's Day Patrick was a 5th-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Mu...

have a crackin...and blessed st patricks day

Have a cracking and Blessed St Patrick's Day

Image result for st patrick's day wishes quotesPatrick was a 5th-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Much of what is known about Saint Patrick comes from the Declaration, which was allegedly written by Patrick himself. It is believed that he was born in Roman Britain in the fourth century, into a wealthy Romano-British family. His father was a deacon and his grandfather was a priest in the Christian church. According to the Declaration, at the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Gaelic Ireland.[13] It says that he spent six years there working as a shepherd and that during this time he "found God". The Declaration says that God told Patrick to flee to the coast, where a ship would be waiting to take him home. After making his way home, Patrick went on to become a priest.
Image result for st patrick's day wishes quotes
According to tradition, Patrick returned to Ireland to convert the pagan Irish to Christianity. The Declaration says that he spent many years evangelising in the northern half of Ireland and converted "thousands". Patrick's efforts against the druids were eventually turned into an allegory in which he drove "snakes" out of Ireland (Ireland never had any snakes).
Tradition holds that he died on 17 March and was buried at Downpatrick. Over the following centuries, many legends grew up around Patrick and he became Ireland's foremost saint. ( wikipedia)

Image result for st patrick's day wishes quotes

Thursday, 16 March 2017

and there's more...: love is....

and there's more...: love is....: love is sharing my umbrella....     too cute not to post  emojidex

love is....

love is sharing my umbrella....

Image result for with love umbrella   

too cute not to post Two Hearts on emojidex 1.0.24


and there's more...: and there's more...: Basking

and there's more...: and there's more...: Basking: and there's more...: Basking : Paphos in November.... some say...  ' not quite Little mermaid in Copenhagen ' I say.. ...

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

and there's more...: Tomorrow is another day

and there's more...: Tomorrow is another day: One day at a time sweet all I'm asking of you And thank you Lord for each blessed day..... cus each day is a privilidge....

Tomorrow is another day

One day at a time sweet all I'm asking of you

Image result for tomorrow is another day

And thank you Lord for each blessed day.....
cus each day is a privilidge.... a gift... not a right 

Image result for positive thought for the day

and there's more...: Basking

and there's more...: Basking: Paphos in November.... some say...  ' not quite Little mermaid in Copenhagen ' I say.. Beauty is in the eye of the beho...


Paphos in November....

some say...
 ' not quite Little mermaid in Copenhagen '
I say..
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

photograph taken by Chateau 

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

and there's more...: what a busy day

and there's more...: what a busy day: and you know what....I got through it....lurgy is finally letting me have my body back... Thank the Lord back ache not too bad... I defini...

what a busy day

and you know what....I got through it....lurgy is finally letting me have my body back... Thank the Lord

back ache not too bad... I definitely think my #bodybalance class helped... thank u #lesmills

Image result for ladies who lunchand I had lunch with one of my bessie ladies

Yes its been busy...

yep... things are better today....

and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the rest of the week
Image result for wink emoji

Monday, 13 March 2017

and there's more...: what is going on....

and there's more...: what is going on....: well you might well ask!!! since I've had no job...there's just been a catalogue of ailments.. severe 48 hour sickness bug clos...

what is going on....

well you might well ask!!!
since I've had no job...there's just been a catalogue of ailments..
Image result for back pain cartoon
  • severe 48 hour sickness bug
  • closely followed by a really bad head cold which quickly materialised into full blown sneezes..sore throat...aches ( yep nearly man flu )
And there's more....

  • now I've done my back in... arghhhhh

and believe me trying not to sneeze cuz it cripples my back not easy!!!

Well it must be my body telling me I need a rest...well its not happening..I ent got time to rest..I'm too busy living
And lets face it I would have still had to go to work

So this morning... I hobbled into my beloved #les mills body balance class
And yes as you might guess... as soon as you start down dog and up dog...the nose begins to run!!!!
( yes I know..too much information )  and sneezing at my age ( when trying not too ) is no mean task !!!!!
Image result for yoga with a runny nose cartoon

well to cut a long story short, I finished the class ( in a fashion ) 
And hopefully it will have done some good...

Saturday, 11 March 2017

and there's more...: dreaded lurgy has had its say all week

and there's more...: dreaded lurgy has had its say all week: so its been nearly a week and the dreaded lurgy has gripped me like a vice.. but I was adamant this inner voice was saying.....

dreaded lurgy has had its say all week

so its been nearly a week and the dreaded lurgy has gripped me like a vice..
Image result for dreaded lurgy cartoon
but I was  this inner voice was saying...
 ' wheres your get up n go'
I was going to my body balance class!!!!
sometimes you just gotta dig in
Image result for dreaded lurgy cartoon
so u gonna have to do one antibodies are digging in too and we are on a missio

n  Image result for body balance cartoon        (  ok   may b I dont look exactely like that ...but I'm practising !!! )

Thursday, 9 March 2017

and there's more...: Peach of a # home bargains

and there's more...: Peach of a # home bargains: it was literally a couple of days ago that I noticed my old faithful slippers were looking a bit the worse for wear  �� so imagine m...

Peach of a # home bargains

it was literally a couple of days ago that I noticed my old faithful slippers were looking a bit the worse for wear 


so imagine my surprise when I came across these li'l beauties in our local #home bargains
just gotta love a bargain...especially when they are as soft and fluffy as these li'l critters!!!
they are just adorable..warm n comfy
(and they even come with a lovly li'l label ( if  u were stupid enough to want to give them away!!)
which obviously I am not...much too nice to part with
And what is even more amazin is that they were only £3.99...yep your not seeing things

and there's more...: wide awake club

and there's more...: wide awake club: so its not even 2 am in the UK and i'm wide awake And this dreaded lurgy is to blame.... so its left me feeling exhausted all d...

wide awake club

Image result for wide awake in bed
so its not even 2 am in the UK and i'm wide awake

And this dreaded lurgy is to blame....
so its left me feeling exhausted all day and unable to sleep all night 

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how is it possible to feel so tired and yet still be wide awake !!!!!!  you can not be serious.....
(and i'm absolutely sure that messing about on here is not gonna help at all !!!)
Image result for exhausted

yep that just about sums me up at the moment

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

and there's more...: dreaded lurgy

and there's more...: dreaded lurgy: Yep that just about sums up how I'm feeling... I got a couple of things to say Yep I know its fashionable and every one has it!!!!  b...

dreaded lurgy

Yep that just about sums up how I'm feeling... I got a couple of things to say

Yep I know its fashionable and every one has it!!!! 
but who said I want to be fashionable???

Hurry up and do one !!!!! ( polite version ) 🙄

Image result for dreaded lurgy

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

and there's more...: Cyprus junky....

and there's more...: Cyprus junky....: The Island of Love I would move there in a heart beat ( if I could take my family too ) Paphos I took these on a holiday in ...

Cyprus junky....

The Island of Love

I would move there in a heart beat ( if I could take my family too )

I took these on a holiday in 2016 with my husband...the pics say it this Island

Nature at its most beautiful

Sunday, 5 March 2017

and there's more...: Beautiful memories ...

and there's more...: Beautiful memories ...: So when unexpected things chance along and makes me sad... especially when there is nothing I can do about them... I find beautiful mem...

Beautiful memories ...

Related imageSo when unexpected things chance along and makes me sad...
especially when there is nothing I can do about them...
I find beautiful memories to make me smile....

 beautiful pics of sea caves in Cyprus 💖
troodos mountains.... favourite place to date 💖

Hope they make you smile too...