So i made the decision that i was goin to try to be healthy......
Where to start????
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lol wishful thinking. . |
* well i already go to the gym....so I will try to be
consistent and go a little more often...

* I could give up wine....
who am i kidding....

* Eat less....
so take things slowly????

I decided i would start with giving up sugar, i only take a small amount in my drinks so i thought one sweetner should do it...a lot of my frends use these, cant do u any harm...Right??
I am going to tell it as it is/was....this was 6 months ago....
After a few weeks I noticed a couple of things with my health that I wasnt happy with...these included
* being dizzy when getting up....to be honest at the time i wasnt too concerned....
* this happened again, and this time I was a little more concerned.....i was actually staggering like i had had a few too many glasses of Chardonnay...( i hadnt )
* One occasion I attempted to get out of bed in the early hours on waking and i was that dizzy i stumbled into the door...again i must stress that I wasnt particularly concerned ( yes stupid i Know )
* I started to notice when relaxing, i was very aware of my heartbeat...quite a strange feeling....I cant say i was scared but it was definitley bazzaar...
* this was something that happened more and more as time went on.....I also noticed it was also accompanied by a tightness in my chest, which made it harder to inhale deeply......

well by this stage I am beginning to think may be there is something not quite right!!!! especially with my family history of bronchitus and Asthma
* I was feeling nausea especially in the morning ( OMG PREGNANT!!! ) no, but i did start to think it could be menopausal due to my age..52
So afer looking up the menopause on line, and seeing that some of the symptoms could indeed be due to the menopause, i booked myself an appointment at the docs.
I had blood tests and i also had a heart trace..and everything came back normal, blood tests were showing i was not menopausal...WTF was goin on...
so may be i'm allergic to something????
3 or 4 months on and things have not improved , if anything the racy heart and tight chest was getting worse ( lol sounds like a severe case of love sickness....lmao ) i am now gasping in between sentences, just to b on the safe side, i have had an inhaler off my son....i know, not a good idea, but in an emergency!!!!!!

* this happened again, and this time I was a little more concerned.....i was actually staggering like i had had a few too many glasses of Chardonnay...( i hadnt )
* One occasion I attempted to get out of bed in the early hours on waking and i was that dizzy i stumbled into the door...again i must stress that I wasnt particularly concerned ( yes stupid i Know )
* I started to notice when relaxing, i was very aware of my heartbeat...quite a strange feeling....I cant say i was scared but it was definitley bazzaar...
* this was something that happened more and more as time went on.....I also noticed it was also accompanied by a tightness in my chest, which made it harder to inhale deeply......

well by this stage I am beginning to think may be there is something not quite right!!!! especially with my family history of bronchitus and Asthma
* I was feeling nausea especially in the morning ( OMG PREGNANT!!! ) no, but i did start to think it could be menopausal due to my age..52
So afer looking up the menopause on line, and seeing that some of the symptoms could indeed be due to the menopause, i booked myself an appointment at the docs.
I had blood tests and i also had a heart trace..and everything came back normal, blood tests were showing i was not menopausal...WTF was goin on...
so may be i'm allergic to something????
3 or 4 months on and things have not improved , if anything the racy heart and tight chest was getting worse ( lol sounds like a severe case of love sickness....lmao ) i am now gasping in between sentences, just to b on the safe side, i have had an inhaler off my son....i know, not a good idea, but in an emergency!!!!!!

May b its coffee, not that i'm drinkin any more...but wot els can it b????
And there's more...
* Now my hair was falling out....its thin, and coming out in handfuls..I am seriously frightened to brush it!!!
So i am sitting in my daughters and she offers to make me a coffee....i decide to have tea....
''i think thats what making me anxious etc''....
No Mam, u've always drunk coffee....but i tell u what it could be those sweetners!!!!''....

To b honest, i didnt really take it seriously, but the cogs start turnin and with the internet at ye fingertips u just got to av a peek...( ?? )
It was shockin!!!
And there's more...
* Now my hair was falling out....its thin, and coming out in handfuls..I am seriously frightened to brush it!!!
So i am sitting in my daughters and she offers to make me a coffee....i decide to have tea....
''i think thats what making me anxious etc''....
No Mam, u've always drunk coffee....but i tell u what it could be those sweetners!!!!''....

To b honest, i didnt really take it seriously, but the cogs start turnin and with the internet at ye fingertips u just got to av a peek...( ?? )
It was shockin!!!
Aspartame is, By Far, The Most Dangerous Substance on ...
I am no expert so will just say that there are hundreds of sites out there both for and against consuming Aspartame....and you are free to read and make up your own mind....I have now been off sweetners for about 10 days...so very difficult to say wether any of my symptoms are due to them or not.....as i am still experiencing some of the symptoms,( i have been very honest and appreciate that my family have a history of chest problems, but this is not something that i personally suffer from so find it hard to beleve that this has just randomly come on me ) apparentley it takes a while to get out of the system, and i will certainly be doing a follow up on this.....
For me I am not willing to take the risk....
Do u know some one, frends/family who are experiencing some or al of these symptoms, and consume aspartame in one form or another, It could be completly unconnected but may be it is connected.........
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