Chances are if you are over 40 you will probably remember some, if not all of these....
In the days of these didnt have laptops, ipads, computers, ps3, moble phones etc. and the list goes on and on.......
Cus to b fare, kids didnt have the amount of money spent on them, that they do that meant we had to make our own games.....a few 'marlies'' or several feet of 'washin line' and a ample helping of @imagination'..... well the world was your oyster

Many hours were spent skipping....and singing these types of rhymes over n over again...we didnt seem to get bored half as quick then......we loved it
'Marlies' now if u were good at this u could get a real good collection of these valuable little glass balls...u might even be lucky enough to get the rare ones...and if u did then u could swap these or even sell em for a ha'penny

Now if we were lucky enough to live by a proper park !!! well we were in for a treat....these bars would give hours of fun and you know what...didnt cost a penny or even a farthing ....and the round n round til u coudnt stop on cus u were that dizzy.....Great stuff
For me these was the best days of my life. ( beween the ages of about 5 and 10 )....i didnt have anything material to speak of....some days, i didnt av enough food in my belly.but i cant eva remember that bothering me too much...cuz i was your typical 'latch key ' kid....go out in the morning, usually with my younger siblings in all day...pop bak for what eva was in the pantry..(.door left on the latch ) and back out til it was dark.....Happy dayz..
.there wasnt many over weight kidz then were alot more were in my opinion healthier than nowadays...
( to be honest we werent always as safe as we should of been, playing by canals, on open cast mining sites, and all without adult supervision, BUT HEY, somebody was sure watching over us...a lot of times we survived by the skin of our teeh!!!! .GARDIAN ANGELS i call em...

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