Wrong Person...
I cant say I've actually done it myself,....(but theres always a first time !!)

So I'm sat avin a Costa, minding my own business as u do...
browsin through my phone...as usual....and i am aware of someone slightly behind me but behind the barrier....i slowly turn my head .....and this woman is close enough that i can see the hairs on her chin ( jokin....she hadnt got hairs on her chin!!!) but she was too close...
her jaw dropped

'' OMG...I'm really ssorry, I thought u was my friend....I was just sneakin up on her....i was gonna say Boo..I thought u was my friend''
Lol.....its fine i said laughin....
''You look just like her, you'll see in a minute, I am meeting her here for a coffee'' she told me, her face was crimson....
Off she went swiftly, to wait for her frend, i shouted after her to have a good day....she turned and gave me a quick smile....lol
funnily enough, she didnt wait long and wandered off in the opposite direction....obviously got the wrrong time as well as the wrong person!!!! ( embarassment got the better of her ) Bless

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