Sunday, 30 April 2017

and there's more...: a day in the amazing journey that is life

and there's more...: a day in the amazing journey that is life: what a full day its been  full of the most amazing experiences.. shared by my other half... ( which is really unusual because he...

a day in the amazing journey that is life

what a full day its been
(fotos by chardonnay 30/4/17)
 full of the most amazing experiences..       
(fotos by chardonnay 30/4/17)
shared by my other half...
( which is really unusual because hes usually busy with his golf or work )
and it didnt cost a fortune...well it didnt cost a penny to be exact
we explored the beautiful world that we are so fortunate to live in
well a very minute part of it
the wind blew in our faces as we experienced the beauty that is spring
nature at its most amazing
birds singing and calling out to each other overhead
 as we walked beneath the trees full to bursting with new life
ducks diving under water for fish..
carrying twigs to complete their new nests
and to await their new babies
riches that can not be bought ....full of natures treasures
we just need to leave ourselves open to this amazing journey that is life
(fotos by chardonnay 30/4/17)
a new and unique journey evey day
ending the day with a sweet exhaustion
and still yearning for more...
thank the blessed Lord for it
feeling blessed and fortunate

and there's more...: its the weekend

and there's more...: its the weekend: Stay calm ..its the weekend And there's more...  its a bank holiday weekend .... what ever you are doing  make it ama...

its the weekend

Stay calm ..its the weekend

And there's more...

 its a bank holiday weekend ....

what ever you are doing 
make it amazing

Friday, 28 April 2017

and there's more...: dance like no body's looking

and there's more...: dance like no body's looking: A wonderful message to us all... Because at the end of the day who really cares only US... when we have missed that window of o...

dance like no body's looking

Image result for dance like nobody's watching love like you've never been hurt

A wonderful message to us all...
Because at the end of the day
who really cares
only US... when we have missed that window of opportunity..

that one time..

When we really wanted to dance 

When  we really wanted to love ...and take a chance

When we wanted to sing at the top of our voice..

bcause at the end of the day its our life..our choice

because at the end of the day NO ONE cares
only us....

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

and there's more...: 50 something and a li'l stiff

and there's more...: 50 something and a li'l stiff: So I want to do yoga  �� We'll ok I said to myself... I started following these yogis  ( is that even a word !! ) They are all bea...

50 something and a li'l stiff

So I want to do yoga 👌
We'll ok I said to myself...
I started following these yogis  ( is that even a word !! )
They are all beautiful lean individuals who r so flexible it blows my mind...
Now I have to b realistic I say
U r 50 + ( I tell myself )
Who am I kidding ...I cudnt of done those positions the day I came into the world ( God give me strength!!! Or flexibility lol... or both !!!! )

Related image


but i will persevere!!!!

Sunday, 23 April 2017

and there's more...: Heaven sent

and there's more...: Heaven sent: It has been one of those amazing times in life when there is just no comparison.... feeling blessed I have been blessed with a...

Heaven sent

It has been one of those amazing times in life when there is just no comparison....
feeling blessed

I have been blessed with another beautiful perfect little granchild...
A brand new life 
that moment when that special moment ...never to be repeated moment
when the little fella takes his first breath
a gift from God
and a moment in time which you were privileged to witness
Thank you Lord for this new life
I pray you will be with him always 
to guide him on his special journey
to protect him and love him
and I pray Our Lady will surround him with her love and guidance
Thank you

Thursday, 20 April 2017

and there's more...: stay calm...its yoga

and there's more...: stay calm...its yoga: So it would be fair to say we were devastated when we lost our body balance class...not just because we ( me and all the girls in our class ...

stay calm...its yoga

So it would be fair to say we were devastated when we lost our body balance class...not just because we ( me and all the girls in our class )  loved the class but we also loved our instructors..they were so passionate and encouraged us to be the very best we could....
Related imageso the thought that we woudnt have them again was very sad...
and we didnt think we would get a replacement any time soon!!!!
But amazingly we had a new instructor start within about a fortnight....
And she is lucky are we...
she is a yoga instructor ..and our 1st class was last night....and it was damned hard...
but what a lovly lady.... hopefully she will stay

And as they gain.... ( and breathe )

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

and there's more...: show me the way to go home

and there's more...: show me the way to go home: I was singing this about 4pm yesterday ( my 1st day at work )... I'm tired and and I wanna go to bed.... And I NEEDED a li'l d...

show me the way to go home

I was singing this about 4pm yesterday ( my 1st day at work )...
Image result for show me the way to go home
I'm tired and and I wanna go to bed....
And I NEEDED a li'l drink some time ago .......
( some change in the lyrics were needed 😂 )

But today is a new day and I am off to try a new yoga class....
just what is needed
its Yoga time

and there's more...: phew!!!!!

and there's more...: phew!!!!!: I did it...I got through it   yes it was tough.... at times I thought.... I've had enough the voice in my head was saying 'you g...


I did it...I got through it Image result for i did it
yes it was tough....
at times I thought.... I've had enough
the voice in my head was saying
'you gotta keep goin...
the finish line is in delaying
dont let it beat you....
you're better than that..
remember all those tough times...
when you were on that yoga mat!!!!'

And as the clock struck 5 .... I sighed a sigh of relief....its a miracle ..its beyond belief
It was a breeze.....I'm not on my knees......

I Got through my 1st day at work!!!!!

Well what did you think I was on about......  
( but it felt like it.... 😉 )  

Monday, 17 April 2017

and there's more...: yep its Tuesday tomorrow ...

and there's more...: yep its Tuesday tomorrow ...: When you just have no clue what to expect on your 1st day at work.... sure I've been in several times over the last fort night, and to ...

yep its Tuesday tomorrow ...

When you just have no clue what to expect on your 1st day at work....
sure I've been in several times over the last fort night, and to be fair it was ok...but, all I was doing was switchboard and some post ...
sure it was busy....BUT....
I had one of the regular staff at my side...
so if a problem arose, I just had to turn my head and ask for help...
sure I was left on my own for short periods of time ....BUT... I knew help was coming back...
But tomorrow?...  'whole new ball game'

    Image result for 9 til 5
  • its the first day back after a bank holiday ( all normal Monday mayhem, but on a Tuesday!)
  • no other staff, still on holiday!!
  • and to make matters worse I'm doing a full day...instead of my normal half day 
  • 9 til 5 Dolly said
  • not bloody likely ( 7.30-5 )!!!
  • talk about dropping me in at the deep end!!!!
'You'll be fine'....was the advice I got last week!!!
Image result for god help me quotesTo say I cant wait til 5pm an understatement.....

So smile might be all I can do !!!! 
and it can only get better.....

and there's more...: no body balance still

and there's more...: no body balance still: no body balance ...due to work commitments...Easter holidays....classes been suspended I can not believe how much I am missing them... s...

no body balance still

no body balance ...due to work commitments...Easter holidays....classes been suspended

I can not believe how much I am missing them...

so have had to improvise due to getting withdrawal symptoms!!!  ( thought that could only happen when I cant have my glass of red!!! )

So I am checking out Ashtanga yoga for beginners on U tube..
and yes I am intrigued...
Image result for yoga moves for beginners keep calm
its fascinating... that as soon as the videos come on or the instructors start talking I automatically acquire a ' relaxed and straight position...posture improves...houdres drop..breathing calm '
Dont you just love Yoga

Sunday, 16 April 2017

and there's more...: He has Risen

and there's more...: He has Risen: Allejulah...Christ has risen Easter Sunday or Easter Day is the most important day of the year for Christians. It is when they celebrate ...

He has Risen

Allejulah...Christ has risen
Easter Sunday or Easter Day is the most important day of the year for Christians. It is when they celebrate that three days after being killed, Jesus rose from the dead, sometimes called 'the Resurrection' and defeated evil forever. 

Image result for he has risen

Have a beautiful and Blessed Easter....  
Hope your Easter is filled with beautiful things.... love ... kindness.. family...forgiveness..
Oh yes and a few of these...
Related image

Saturday, 15 April 2017

and there's more...: holy Saturday

and there's more...: holy Saturday: Holy Saturday Holy Saturday commemorates the day that Jesus Christ lay in the tomb after his death, according to the Christian bible. It...

holy Saturday

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday commemorates the day that Jesus Christ lay in the tomb after his death, according to the Christian bible. It is the day after Good Friday and the day before Easter Sunday. It is also known as Easter Eve, Easter Even, Black Saturday, or the Saturday before Easter.
Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Holy Saturday

Image result for holy saturday  Related image

Friday, 14 April 2017

and there's more...: Good Friday

and there's more...: Good Friday: Good Friday  is a Christian  holiday  commemorating the  crucifixion of   Jesus Christ  and his death at  Calvary . It is observed during  ...

Good Friday

Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Image result for happy good friday....

Hope your Easter is amazing .... be kind and humble💜

Thursday, 13 April 2017

and there's more...: Ho;y Thursday ( Maunday Thursday )

and there's more...: Ho;y Thursday ( Maunday Thursday ): The Last Supper   Maundy Thursday  (also known as  Holy Thursday ,  Covenant Thursday ,  Great and Holy Thursday ,  Sheer Thursday , and...

Ho;y Thursday ( Maunday Thursday )

The Last Supper
Image result for maundy thursday Related image

Maundy Thursday (also known as Holy ThursdayCovenant ThursdayGreat and Holy ThursdaySheer Thursday, and Thursday of Mysteries, among other names) is the Christian holy day falling on the Thursday before Easter. It commemorates the Maundy and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles as described in the Canonical gospels.[1] It is the fifth day of Holy Week, and is preceded by Holy Wednesday and followed by Good Friday.[2]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A time to reflect and spend with loved ones ...and to offer a hand of kindness

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed day   

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

and there's more...: stressinhell today

and there's more...: stressinhell today: needed some serious deep breathing today at my new job...but that wasnt happening  phone calls after the other.. breath??   no chanc...

stressinhell today

needed some serious deep breathing today at my new job...but that wasnt happening 
phone calls after the other..
breath??   no time to recover...
to say I was glad to get in my car and go home today,  is probably an understatement

the reception was a hive of activity with every man
 ( and his dog!!!)
Every man and his dog. An idiom meaning 'extremely crowded' or 'A lot of people' .

Related imagecoming to say their farewells to the lovly lady that I am taking over from
hugs and kissess...
cards and flowers...
chocoates and more flowers...
and trying to gen up on all the things I need to know for the 1st day on my own was near impossible!!!
Wow...she is gonna be a hard act to follow
God give me strength and patience ( and anything else you think I will need )Tuesday

and there's more...: Holy Week

and there's more...: Holy Week: wishing you all the most Holy beautiful and Blessed Week full of Gods blessings...   

Holy Week

wishing you all the most Holy beautiful and Blessed Week
full of Gods blessings...

Image result for holy week quotes
    Related image

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

and there's more...: When you realise that there are some really nice p...

and there's more...: When you realise that there are some really nice p...: But u just neva met them.... I must be honest I've never been surrounded by really nice people..... I'd go so far as to say...

When you realise that there are some really nice people in life out there

But u just neva met them....
Image result for nice people

I must be honest I've never been surrounded by really nice people.....
I'd go so far as to say that if I had to name a dozen really nice genuine people...sadly, I would fail
May be that is being ambitious to try to name 12 really nice people...
may be its just the circles I am in....who knows...and I guess that reflects on me too
Don't misunderstand me ...I feel truly blessed that I have my immediate family...I thank The Blessed Lord for them every day

So imagine my surprise when I started this job....
( especially after the experience of my last job )
I can truthfully say they all have been so kind and friendly is actually unbelievable, that there are so many (seemingly ) nice people out there...
(call me a pessimist ....and believe me I always look for the best in people...( but its tough !!)
Image result for nice peopleand in my experience ( 54 years) people are not usually nice for no good reason !!!!!)
But from the recruitment Lady ( who has contacted me several times to ask how I'm getting on )  to the Director who introduced himself to me today....
and all the staff in between... they have all been so kind
and especially the lovly lady who I am taking over from ( who is retiring ) shes going to be a hard act to follow..
I put my hands together to thank the Lord for this opportunity ...and hope I can be deserving of it
It has renewed my faith in peope....

Monday, 10 April 2017

and there's more...: still training

and there's more...: still training: so this is the 2nd week of training for my new job... well ...may be not tomorrow!!!!!   cus its fair to still confused!!!  lol...

still training

so this is the 2nd week of training for my new job...Image result for new job

well ...may be not tomorrow!!!!!  
cus its fair to still confused!!!  lol
with each new job...comes new challenges..lovin it

Even clocking in sometimes is a challenge!!!Related image

( especially when you havnt got body balance...but you have got The Menopause ) body imbalance comes to mind!!!!
God help me.....
The cardigans on...the cardigans off....
I open the door..I shut the door...     Image result for dreaded menopause cartoon
And my 1st day on my own is only 5 days away!!!!!
It will be fine....( they keep saying....) Related image
( on the positive seems a lovly professional company to work for...onwards and upwards )

Thursday, 6 April 2017

and there's more...: more body balance

and there's more...: more body balance: So we had the devastating news that #lesmillsbodybalance is no longer going to be available at our gym.. our group is in bits... we absolu... more body balance

So we had the devastating news that #lesmillsbodybalance is no longer going to be available at our gym..
our group is in bits...
we absolutely love this class and have the best 2 instructors in the industry
they are both professional and passionate about what they teach
they strive to be the best they can...hence why we love them so much..
apparently due to Les mills rules our gym can not be used any more!!!
prior to this I had nothing but admiration for #Lesmills
Shame on you Les mills
Image result for no more body balance    we are definitely going to have withdrawal symptoms and i dont think any amount of deep breathing is going to make us feel any better...  
Image result for devastated smiley face