Monday, 29 May 2017
and there's more...: comparison
and there's more...: comparison: A rose can never be compared to a sunflower A sunflower can never be compared to a rose A tree can not be compared to a daisy the beginni...
A rose can never be compared to a sunflower
A sunflower can never be compared to a rose
A tree can not be compared to a daisy
the beginning of day can not be compared to its close
But yet we compare ourselves to others every day.....
their slimmer than me
their smarter than I will ever be..
their car is faster than mine
my outfit is like rags..hers is just divine
And the truth of the matter is...
we are all unique....special in different ways...cus the Lord made us that way
we all bloom at different times..
for some that can be a life time....
The moral of the story is ....
A sunflower can never be compared to a rose
A tree can not be compared to a daisy
But yet we compare ourselves to others every day.....
their slimmer than me
their smarter than I will ever be..
their car is faster than mine
my outfit is like rags..hers is just divine
And the truth of the matter is...
we are all unique....special in different ways...cus the Lord made us that way
we all bloom at different times..
for some that can be a life time....
The moral of the story is ....
Their blooming time is different to your blooming time
Friday, 26 May 2017
and there's more...: irrational.... to say the least
and there's more...: irrational.... to say the least: MENOPAUSE.... Periods usually start to become less frequent over a few months or years before they stop altogether. Sometimes they can sto...
irrational.... to say the least
Black moods...tired...IRRATIONAL
so I am 54 and in the early stages of this awfullness...
so periods are not as regular( could say thats a plus ) but if it is ..its the only one!!!
so my womb and other child producing bits and bobs are now surplus to requirements....
hell NO says my body...
so my personal symptoms include the dreaded hot flushes...
the inability to talk.( well get my words out..cant remember the words ).salivating...
impatient...trying to move on to other tasks before finishing the one I'm doing
not paying accidents happen..I walk into things
feel fat...bloated..belly like I'm 5 months pregnant ( well my body is trying to prove a point !!) fatigued...I just want to drop to sleep...sleeping 7/8 hrs when i usually sleep 5
(and then other night cant sleep at all )
joints aching...legs feeling like lead
dont want people round me...want to be on my own
irritated if people speak to me... cant be bothered to answer...too much trouble
trying doubly hard to be nice....really want to be rude and loose my cool with them
breathe.... not easy with this black cloud
(a week on) 222.05.2017
so this is about a week on from the above symptoms
last couple of days I've felt generally under the weather...
joints aching..fuzzy
tingling face, body,
bit fed up
very tired...fatigued...too tired to go to the gym!! I actually asked myself ...'may b Im fatally ill..may b I have a disease..dying'
irrational thought ( because my diet etc is better than it has ever been )
specifically this morning feeling like I have a weight pressing down n my chest and throat
even got a sore on my lip!!! ( noticed in the gym class struggling with poses that I was coping quite well with a few weeks ago )
shoulder stand etc !!!!
waking up and feeling instantly down and fed up..
thinking of giving up my new job
???? ( sure im putting on a brave face and smiling...carrying on but is this normal )
so am I just getting old.. ( my lovly cousin is a good 15 years older than me and seems to be so much healthier and up beat)
or is this more symptoms of the menopause ( I havnt had a period for 2 months )
had some of the described at top of this blog ... sore boobs etc
its only fair to say that 2 hrs after writing the mood lifted
the sun came out..the sky was blue...the birds were singing...the spring breeze gently spread through the trees...and the world was good...
went to the gym
did just 1k run..few shoulder weight and I gotta say I feel fab
go figure...
So until the next ' black period ' I will close on a positive note by sayng..
Periods usually start to become less frequent over a few months or years before they stop altogether. Sometimes they can stop suddenly.
The menopause is a natural part of ageing that usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, as a woman's oestrogen levels decline. In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach the menopause is 51.( NHS )
So thats what the NHS said!!
I say... clouds...thunderstorm...Black moods...tired...IRRATIONAL
so I am 54 and in the early stages of this awfullness...
so periods are not as regular( could say thats a plus ) but if it is ..its the only one!!!
so my womb and other child producing bits and bobs are now surplus to requirements....
hell NO says my body...
so my personal symptoms include the dreaded hot flushes...
the inability to talk.( well get my words out..cant remember the words ).salivating...
impatient...trying to move on to other tasks before finishing the one I'm doing
not paying accidents happen..I walk into things fatigued...I just want to drop to sleep...sleeping 7/8 hrs when i usually sleep 5
(and then other night cant sleep at all )
joints aching...legs feeling like lead
dont want people round me...want to be on my own
irritated if people speak to me... cant be bothered to answer...too much trouble
trying doubly hard to be nice....really want to be rude and loose my cool with them
breathe.... not easy with this black cloud
(a week on) 222.05.2017
so this is about a week on from the above symptoms
last couple of days I've felt generally under the weather...
joints aching..fuzzy
tingling face, body,
bit fed up
very tired...fatigued...too tired to go to the gym!! I actually asked myself ...'may b Im fatally ill..may b I have a disease..dying'

specifically this morning feeling like I have a weight pressing down n my chest and throat
even got a sore on my lip!!! ( noticed in the gym class struggling with poses that I was coping quite well with a few weeks ago )
shoulder stand etc !!!!
waking up and feeling instantly down and fed up..
thinking of giving up my new job
???? ( sure im putting on a brave face and smiling...carrying on but is this normal )
so am I just getting old.. ( my lovly cousin is a good 15 years older than me and seems to be so much healthier and up beat)
or is this more symptoms of the menopause ( I havnt had a period for 2 months )
had some of the described at top of this blog ... sore boobs etc
its only fair to say that 2 hrs after writing the mood lifted
the sun came out..the sky was blue...the birds were singing...the spring breeze gently spread through the trees...and the world was good...
went to the gym
did just 1k run..few shoulder weight and I gotta say I feel fab
go figure...
So until the next ' black period ' I will close on a positive note by sayng..
Have a Fab Day
Wednesday, 24 May 2017
and there's more...: Manchesster....walk on
and there's more...: Manchesster....walk on: So another dark day for us all.. not just Manchester ...but England... Great Britain..United Kingdom...Europe..The World This awful terror...
Manchester....walk on
So another dark day for us all.. not just Manchester ...but England... Great Britain..United Kingdom...Europe..The World
This awful terrorist attack on innocent people will have affected us all...
Parents and families having to live with the reality that their loved ones..their babies...kissed them / hugged them and said goodbye to them for the last tie....the reality that they wil not be coming back
how do they move on from that....
well in solidarity Manchester stood defiant ...against these awful individuals who inflict terror and pain on innocent people
Beautiful acts of kindness and and compassion showed through
people from all walks of life and all cultures....offered help
giving free taxi places to shelter....and more importantly gave their time and care to those who needed it
showing that the hatred of radicalised individuals will only strive to push people together and show solidarity stand together and not let them win

This was the vigil attended by thousands in Manchester ( )
This awful terrorist attack on innocent people will have affected us all...
Parents and families having to live with the reality that their loved ones..their babies...kissed them / hugged them and said goodbye to them for the last tie....the reality that they wil not be coming back
how do they move on from that....
well in solidarity Manchester stood defiant ...against these awful individuals who inflict terror and pain on innocent people
Beautiful acts of kindness and and compassion showed through
people from all walks of life and all cultures....offered help
giving free taxi places to shelter....and more importantly gave their time and care to those who needed it
showing that the hatred of radicalised individuals will only strive to push people together and show solidarity stand together and not let them win

This was the vigil attended by thousands in Manchester ( )
RIP victims of the Manchester terror attack
with hope and pride in your heart
coming together,
walk on
Friday, 19 May 2017
and there's more...: calm and beautiful
and there's more...: calm and beautiful: so this is my day so far today...beautiful...spiritually calm...chilled ( which is a million miles away from the awful day I had 2 days ...
calm and beautiful
so this is my day so far today...beautiful...spiritually calm...chilled..
Why ??
not for any particular reason.. but I woke up..I'm breathing..and we need any other reason to have a fab day....?
( which is a million miles away from the awful day I had 2 days ago ...
I will probably blog about it soon ..when I feel able to revisit it!!! 🤢)
Although I havnt done a yoga class for a few days ..I do feel that I am benefiting from it..even when I am not in a class.
not just physically but mentally too
Why ??
not for any particular reason.. but I woke up..I'm breathing..and we need any other reason to have a fab day....?

I will probably blog about it soon ..when I feel able to revisit it!!! 🤢)
Although I havnt done a yoga class for a few days ..I do feel that I am benefiting from it..even when I am not in a class.
not just physically but mentally too

have your day is fab too
Tuesday, 16 May 2017
and there's more...: beauty, energy, peace, calm, that is the falls
and there's more...: beauty, energy, peace, calm, that is the falls: #Rhaeadr Falls Abergwyngregyn Gwynedd my first visit to this enchanting pace and I hope it wont be my last Nature at her best.... Abe...
beauty, energy, peace, calm, that is the falls
#Rhaeadr Falls Abergwyngregyn Gwynedd
my first visit to this enchanting pace and I hope it wont be my last
Nature at her best....

Aber Falls is a waterfall located about two miles south of the village of Abergwyngregyn, Gwynedd, Wales. The waterfall is formed as the Afon Goch plunges about 120 feet over a sill of igneous rock in the foothills of the Carneddau range. Wikipedia
( foto by Chardonnay )
Cant believe I havnt been here before.
It is peaceful and beautiful and awe inspiring...
and it takes about half an hour to walk from the carpark to the top of the foothills.
and it is well worth see the beautiful views
the going is a little steep and definitley warms your calves!!! lol
and the sheer drop at the top is breath taking
Sunday, 14 May 2017
and there's more...: Cant I do the tadpole
and there's more...: Cant I do the tadpole: So our very lovly yoga instructor said it would be a good idea to have a go at the frog pose - Mandukasana mandu: frog asana: pose ...
Cant I do the tadpole
So our very lovly yoga instructor said it would be a good idea to have a go at the frog pose - Mandukasana
mandu: frog
asana: pose
benefits include...stretching the inner thigh, groin and hip areas. Go slowly and don’t push your body beyond its limits. ( she said )
well that wont be difficult because my limits seemed to be confined to being on all fours!!! ( i have a very long journey ) oh my days
and the pain...for days after.....

I have since suggested that my body may be more suited to the tadpole!!!!
my hips definitly dont want anything to do with a frog!!!
in any shape or form
a frog in your throat??? probably the best place for it 😉
Mandukasana (man-doo-KAHS-uh-nuh), also known as the Frog Pose, is a simple yet intensive pose that frees your spirit while alleviating back pain. Before attempting this pose, ensure your knees are warm and are able to bend completely. Start slowly, in child’s pose, to test your flexibility before beginning the pose. During each exercise, make sure to maintain a focus on your breathing. ( as described by )
mandu: frog
asana: pose

well that wont be difficult because my limits seemed to be confined to being on all fours!!! ( i have a very long journey ) oh my days
and the pain...for days after.....

I have since suggested that my body may be more suited to the tadpole!!!!
my hips definitly dont want anything to do with a frog!!!
in any shape or form
a frog in your throat??? probably the best place for it 😉
Mandukasana (man-doo-KAHS-uh-nuh), also known as the Frog Pose, is a simple yet intensive pose that frees your spirit while alleviating back pain. Before attempting this pose, ensure your knees are warm and are able to bend completely. Start slowly, in child’s pose, to test your flexibility before beginning the pose. During each exercise, make sure to maintain a focus on your breathing. ( as described by )
Wednesday, 10 May 2017
and there's more...: funny kind of week
and there's more...: funny kind of week: beautiful spring morning...and I'm wide awake at 3am which allows me time to ponder on the last couple of weeks.... its fair to say th...
funny kind of week
beautiful spring morning...and I'm wide awake at 3am
which allows me time to ponder on the last couple of weeks....
its fair to say that they have been full of mixed emotions...
good ..bad..and in between
new jobs tend to do this to me...I get stressed and cant sleep
which inevitably leaves me a bit fragile and emotional
then add another adorable grandchild into the mix...
and the emotional roller coaster speeds up...
and just for good measure...7 family birthdays in the last 2 months!!!
emotional roller coaster overload... but in a nice way
and there's more.....3 bank holidays
and its at these times that my past always has a way of seeping into my thought path...
needless to say it also reminds me of how truly blessed I am...
and that each individual blog is just a fraction of my very beautiful life
which allows me time to ponder on the last couple of weeks....
its fair to say that they have been full of mixed emotions...
good ..bad..and in between
new jobs tend to do this to me...I get stressed and cant sleep
which inevitably leaves me a bit fragile and emotional
(photo by Chardonnay)
then add another adorable grandchild into the mix...
and the emotional roller coaster speeds up...
and just for good measure...7 family birthdays in the last 2 months!!!
emotional roller coaster overload... but in a nice way
and there's more.....3 bank holidays
and its at these times that my past always has a way of seeping into my thought path...
needless to say it also reminds me of how truly blessed I am...
and that each individual blog is just a fraction of my very beautiful life
( photo by Chardonnay )
Thank the Lord for my life
life is amazing,
mixed emotions,
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
and there's more...: how do they see through my veil...
and there's more...: how do they see through my veil...: sure I drive a nice car sure I live in a nice house in a desirable area... with good schools not too far yeah Ive been blessed with a hal...
how do they see through my veil...
sure I drive a nice car
sure I live in a nice house
in a desirable area... with good schools not too far
yeah Ive been blessed with a half decent brain
how can they see through my veil ...its just insane
but I know without a doubt what they see...
the old me...
they think
'she shudnt be in that car'
must be stolen..must be on finance
its plain to see..from the way they stare at me
how do they see through behind the veil...its insane
why is it so hard to leave the horrors of our upbringing behind
that dirty smelly scruffy vagabond that was me
the only memories that never seem to leave my mind
remembering you were that child...the ones NICE kids avoided
being part of the in group was something i never enjoyed ( or even experienced!)
how do my associates see through my veil....
why is it impossible to leave it behind..its insane
so even when you drag yourself up the life ladder ...
kicking and screaming from what you were born into..
really its to no... or very little avail
dont misunderstand..
as its not about wether you succeed or fail
its more about what we see in the mirror
cus these people dont know my background!!
do really see through my veil. .(behind my smile...)
may be its just ME thats insane

in a desirable area... with good schools not too far
yeah Ive been blessed with a half decent brain
how can they see through my veil ...its just insane
but I know without a doubt what they see...
the old me...
they think
'she shudnt be in that car'
must be stolen..must be on finance
its plain to see..from the way they stare at me
how do they see through behind the veil...its insane
why is it so hard to leave the horrors of our upbringing behind
that dirty smelly scruffy vagabond that was me
the only memories that never seem to leave my mind
remembering you were that child...the ones NICE kids avoided
being part of the in group was something i never enjoyed ( or even experienced!)
how do my associates see through my veil....
why is it impossible to leave it behind..its insane
so even when you drag yourself up the life ladder ...
kicking and screaming from what you were born into..
really its to no... or very little avail
dont misunderstand..
as its not about wether you succeed or fail
its more about what we see in the mirror
cus these people dont know my background!!
do really see through my veil. .(behind my smile...)
may be its just ME thats insane
Saturday, 6 May 2017
and there's more...: cus sometimes ye best isnt good enough ( 1 )
and there's more...: cus sometimes ye best isnt good enough ( 1 ): yes I guess when most people think of this statement...they could be forgiven that someone is giving someone else a hard time...... ...
cus sometimes ye best isnt good enough ( 1 )
yes I guess when most people think of this statement...they could be forgiven that someone is giving someone else a hard time......

but when its yourself that your not good enough for......well thats a whole new ball game...
cus sometimes positivity isnt quite enough...
cus sometimes positivity isnt quite enough...
( this will become clear when the mist clears...)
Thursday, 4 May 2017
and there's more...: Surya namaskar
and there's more...: Surya namaskar: so this is how I start the day...not quite Surya namaskar...( its the easy option �� ) I am enjoying my new yoga classes so mu...
Surya namaskar
so this is how I start the day...not quite Surya namaskar...( its the easy option 😉 )
I am enjoying my new yoga classes so much....( but why didnt someone tell me how hard it is!!! )
I thought my body balance used to wear me out ......well move over body balance cus Yoga is going to really challenge you!!!!

my body ached in a new way after my 1st class....I felt strong and challenged....with a yearning for more
our instructor is just amazing...beautiful and confident and informative

she actually puts me in the mind of a ray of sunshine
her inner beauty shining through
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