Saturday, 30 December 2017
and there's more...: Yoga props
and there's more...: Yoga props: Good morning...i hope you are well and enjoying your xmas time.... Thank you for sharing my journey ....this is just a little bit of ...
Yoga props
Good morning...i hope you are well and enjoying your xmas time....
Thank you for sharing my journey ....this is just a little bit of information about props and my feelings on them...( i hope you find it informative )
I use props in yoga?
are props?
are items that can help with alignment and getting into a posture safely (
where otherwise you may not be able to…
either through mobility/illness/injury/issues etc)
even a chair could be seen as a prop..a folding one would be a good choice if
you are on the move! )
don’t always have to be purchased from shops/gyms etc…. a phone directory or
book can quite easily double up as a block at home and most belts, especially
the canvas ones, are perfect as straps…..
The short answer is YES
of course it is OK to use props.
is fair to say that a lot of people see props as a sign of a beginner ( not everyone
likes to let on that they have not done yoga for very long ) or that
they are not very good at it…. or even as a failure.
( I must admit
I was one such person, the idea that the instructor would offer me props
( when I 1st started doing yoga ) would have been
wrongly think that if you use props that you are not a 'proper
when you realise that BKS Iyengar
encouraged the use of props ( especially after he had a motorbike accident for
his own personal recovery journey) He
even eventually became known primarily for his
emphasis on using props….. it gives you a whole new take on the use of props.
probably fair to say that a lot of yoga classes do not introduce props or
instruct how to use them and it is left to the individual to use them if they
choose to.
time ( thankfully ) I have come to realise that it is Ok and even good to use
props if you want to or feel it will enhance your practice…. because it is
your practice…your journey…
can and do help the individual to get into postures safely and with proper
alignment ( where otherwise said postures may not be accesible ) It allows you to experience the pose and its

Props help to make yoga accessible to beginners/those
with injuries/those with physical limitations and other issues.
And that is always a good thing..
more about props, and HOW to use them to follow )
#my journey,
#yoga props,
Friday, 29 December 2017
and there's more...: vinyasa class
and there's more...: vinyasa class: Hi ..just to show i'm still hard at it.. and just in case you want to come along for the journey... Hope your xmas is happy healthy a...
vinyasa class
Hi ..just to show i'm still hard at it.. and just in case you want to come along for the journey... Hope your xmas is happy healthy and enjoyable....
Vinyasa class
My vinyasa class started on the mat this
morning with a few spinal twists.
We started on our back. knees above hips and then lower to one side, feeling a nice stretch in side
and spine. Then repeat on other side.
2nd round bodies warming up, as we lower
knees to one side we turn head to opposite side to intensify stretch, and there
is also an option to hold knees with hand to again intensify stretch…holding
for several breaths here, breathing deeply into stretch.
Then coming into our 1st down ward dog
knees bent 1st round peddling the heels, taking time here to gently warm up
love the stretch that this gives to the
shoulders and back.
And from there into a forward fold..
afew breaths here…into rag doll, again stretching hamstrings and back into
downward dog for several breaths.
come to standing and first full body
stretch and small back bend… back to forward fold..table top…forward fold x 4
then into plank and chataranga and back
to downward dog.
holding this for several breaths,
breathing into stretch.
Next into lunge ..onto twisted lunge
both sides, walking back to front of mat.
next downward dog again for several
into standing and onto balance pose.
balance on one leg taking hold either under knee or toe if possible and take
out to side of body ( not my favorite pose, my hips
don’t want to open anyway and sepecially not out to side of body…I always seem
to get an ache in my glute in this pose which quickly turns into a cramp…owch
Then onto other side, followed by leg
raised and taken across front of body and toe held with opposite hand.
Leg taken behind and then back into
downward dog and flowing into some one legged balance using opposite hand for
support…holding for several breaths here. Back to downward dog and then onto
other leg.
Followed by yet another downward dog (
this time a wide legged version )
Next was trikonasana ( triangle pose )
good for obliques/spine/legs
And yes back into downward dog
forward fold to stretch out the spine
and into rag doll.
Time for a little respite!
back to supine twists to stretch out those tired muscles.
Up to seated cross legged… forward fold ( if that is even possible ! ) and not forgetting on the other leg!
then onto cobblers pose… ( and breathe )

This was quite a challenging
class…there was not many options to rest ( unless you class downward dog as a
rest! )
But I feel energised yet calm
and very very warm…..
( I didn’t count them but
there must have been at least 40 downward facing dog!!!! )
Thursday, 28 December 2017
and there's more...: Yoga Session
and there's more...: Yoga Session: Good morning ...I know its been ages since my last blog..and yes I've missed you all... The reason???? My yoga course. Its...
Yoga Session
Good morning ...I know its been ages since my last blog..and yes I've missed you all...
The reason????
My yoga course. Its taking up all my spare time...
and of course Xmas...( hope yours has been amazing )
Yoga Time
Havnt done yoga for a couple of days so looking forward to this.
little bit stiff this morning, probably slept awkward so bit tense
in the shoulders, so
hopefully this yoga session will help.
started on knees and deep inhale arms above head and then exhale in
to childs pose ..
staying here for a couple of breaths, getting into the present
moment… slowly
connecting to the present moment, taking time to relax into the
mat. ( my type of class)
rounding up into cat/cow for 2 and back to balasana and then repeat
to cat cow …
warming the spine and shoulders…. slowly pushing up into half dog, stretching
the arms
and warming the joints.
We repeat this several times just coming into half dog with knees
bent, allowing our
bodies to warm and flex.
Back to all 4s and into cat cow then pushing up to downward facing
dog… pushing
through the shoulders and peddling out the heels..1st one then the
other… holding here
for 4 breaths.
then stepping feet to hands into forward fold from hips taking time
to flex wrists…
Coming to table top with hands on shins, lengthening neck and
spine…holding for
2 breaths then back to forward fold for 2 breaths.
Repeating this for 3 sequences…flowing smoothly.
Then into low lunge raising arms up above head into small back bend
for 2 breaths. from here with front leg
straight back leg, knee on floor, lower body over front leg and
reach toward
ankle…hold for a count of 2 breaths..strengthening calf and hamstrings.
to low lunge and repeat on opposite leg.
then return to forward fold….calves/hamstrings warm and stretched.
We repeated this for 6 sessions, getting deeper into the stretch
each time and flowing
more smoothly from one pose to the next.
by the end of this I was very warm and my body felt energised and
I love this feeling, it makes me feel like I am working hard.
We moved onto 8 rounds of sun sals.
I love doing the sun salutations.
It is something I
am very familiar with hence I am able to focus on my
breath…inhaling/exhaling, one
breath for one move…. without having to pay too
much attention to my teacher.
This makes the flow smoother.
Each round gives me an opportunity to get deeper into the stretch
and to get the posture better.
we then rested for a couple of minutes in childs pose, relaxing
for some seated twists, an opportunity to twist and massage our internal
This is fantastic for our
digestive system and helps to beat bloat, especially as we don’t
really get an
opportunity to twist our bodies much in a normal day ( unless you are a
or fitness instructor )
And also an ideal time to do it when the body is warm.
( which I am useless at!! ) diagram to right shows how it should look !!! lol
but I do persevere and do as
best as I can, but it is definitely not one of my favourites!
Then onto supine spinal twist, which I enjoy doing, again
massaging internal organs and strengthening abs/obliques.
And we are already in a laying down position…so brings us
into savasana….AND BREATHE ( for 10
mins )
feeling relaxed/energised/calm/relaxed….
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
and there's more...: yoga time
and there's more...: yoga time: Namaste The best and only way to start the day Excited to be going to my favorite #yoga class to date.... so its been 2 weeks d...
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
and there's more...: sirsasana/ headstand
and there's more...: sirsasana/ headstand: Sirsasana 1 + 2 ( headstand ) So when I heard we were doing a headstand work shop I was quietly optimistic… well lets face i...
sirsasana/ headstand
1 +
( headstand )

when I heard we were doing a headstand work shop I was quietly optimistic…
lets face it…it was better than paper work!!!
I actually enjoy doing them and I really want to improve my
prefer to do it tripod style ( 2 ) and find the other option really difficult (
so I guess I should be practising that one, but I think for now I will try to
perfect my favourite one )
started with a few warm up poses, concentrating on specific body parts that
would be involved in headstands.
avoiding over working and fatiguing said
and shoulders/back need to be warm.
facing dog to warm and stretch back and shoulders/neck and engage core.
also good warm up, again warming shoulders/core.
into extended tadasana to stretch through shoulders/arms/neck/engage
abs/stretch and lengthen through legs and engage glutes.
pose is also good to warm body in prep for headstand.
for beginners or those who prefer support, this may be
practised by a wall.
Keeping elbows shoulder-width apart, place
hands on mat, palms down, fingers wide, making sure that pinkies are touching
the ground. Place head on the ground and push lightly into hands. Tuck toes,
lift hips for headstand prep. Breathe here for 5 deep breaths or until
comfortable to move to the next step.
Walk feet in as close to elbows as possible and
then, one at a time, lift heels close to butt. Breath here for at least 5 deep
breaths or as long as is comfortable.
When you feel stable and ready, start to extend
feet straight up over shoulders and hips until legs are long. You can point or
flex feet. Breathe and enjoy the challenge
Benefits include: increased blood
flow/nutrients/oxygen to head/face/scalp
focus/relieves stress/improves digestion/stimulates lymphatic system
shoulders/arms/develops core strength
for 1-5 mins depending on your ability. This can be done every day.
I read somewhere that it can prevent hair going grey...
so onwards and upside down it is 😉
and there's more...: Only one weekend to go
and there's more...: Only one weekend to go: WOWWWWWWW Can not believe I have just one more yoga practical/theory weekend to do Good morning!!!! Yep that just about sums u...
Only one weekend to go
Can not believe I have just one more yoga practical/theory weekend to do
Good morning!!!! Yep that just about sums up how I feel..and this
and this
and this
ok ok may be thats a bit OTT 😉
Can not believe I have just one more yoga practical/theory weekend to do

Friday, 24 November 2017
and there's more...: Nadi Sodhana
and there's more...: Nadi Sodhana: Its fair to say that I am finding my yoga course very challenging ( I believe in saying it as it good lying about it ��) But becau...
Nadi Sodhana
Its fair to say that I am finding my yoga course very challenging ( I believe in saying it as it good lying about it 😉)
But because of it, I have had to research some stuff...such as

Nadi Sodhana
(or to me and you...alternate nasal breathing )
If you are anything like I was before I started doing yoga, you are probably still thinking..'what ever is she on about?'
It is a fascinating subject.
As it sais on the can it is the practice of breathing through the nostrils alternately.
So the right nostril is gently pinched and you breathe in for a count of four through the left nostril and then left nostril is pinched and at the same time the right one is released and you exhale through right one for 4 counts. Then you breathe in through the same one (right) that you have just exhaled through. Pinch that nostril and breath out through the left nostril for a count of 4 and then in for a count of 4. ( I know that probably sounds really complicated).
So here is how the professionals explain it.....
- Close the right nostril with your right thumb and inhale through the left nostril. Do this to the count of four seconds.
- Immediately close the left nostril with your right ring finger and little finger, and at the same time remove your thumb from the right nostril, and exhale through this nostril. Do this to the count of eight seconds. This completes a half round.
- Inhale through the right nostril to the count of four seconds. Close the right nostril with your right thumb and exhale through the left nostril to the count of eight seconds. This completes one full round.
I have done this before but it was very interesting to delve into it a bit more.
Its something you can do pretty much anywhere at any time although they do say it is better in a morning on an empty stomach or several hrs after eating.
Apparently we alternate between our nostrils with out realising it, at various times of day, and a healthy person will alternate nostrils on average every couple of hours. and also one is usually more difficult to breathe through than the other.
According to yogis if the breath continues to flow through just one nostril for more than 2 hours that it can have an adverse affect on our health, and that the longer that continues the worse the health will get.
If the breath continues to flow through the right then the result can be a mental and nervous disturbance.
If it is the left then the result is chronic fatigue and reduced brain function.
recent scientific studies have revealed similar results.
The right side of the brain controls creative activity, while the left side controls logical verbal activity. The research showed that when the left nostril was less obstructed, the right side of the brain was predominant. Test subjects were indeed found to do better on creative tests. Similarly when the right nostril was less obstructed the left side of the brain was predominant. Test subjects did better on verbal skills.For example, the yogis have known for a long time that prolonged breathing through the left nostril only (over a period of years) will produce asthma. They also know that this so-called incurable disease can be easily eliminated by teaching the patient to breathe through the right nostril until the asthma is cured, and then to prevent it recurring by doing the alternate nostril breathing technique. The yogis also believe that diabetes is caused to a large extent by breathing mainly through the right nostril. (by )
What a fascinating subject. I love looking/practicing this pranayama.
Yogis believe that this exercise will clean and rejuvenate your vital channels of energy. And I can certainly do with some of that.....
(should be practiced with an experienced teacher if not done before x )
Its something you can do pretty much anywhere at any time although they do say it is better in a morning on an empty stomach or several hrs after eating.
Apparently we alternate between our nostrils with out realising it, at various times of day, and a healthy person will alternate nostrils on average every couple of hours. and also one is usually more difficult to breathe through than the other.
According to yogis if the breath continues to flow through just one nostril for more than 2 hours that it can have an adverse affect on our health, and that the longer that continues the worse the health will get.
If the breath continues to flow through the right then the result can be a mental and nervous disturbance.
If it is the left then the result is chronic fatigue and reduced brain function.
recent scientific studies have revealed similar results.
The right side of the brain controls creative activity, while the left side controls logical verbal activity. The research showed that when the left nostril was less obstructed, the right side of the brain was predominant. Test subjects were indeed found to do better on creative tests. Similarly when the right nostril was less obstructed the left side of the brain was predominant. Test subjects did better on verbal skills.For example, the yogis have known for a long time that prolonged breathing through the left nostril only (over a period of years) will produce asthma. They also know that this so-called incurable disease can be easily eliminated by teaching the patient to breathe through the right nostril until the asthma is cured, and then to prevent it recurring by doing the alternate nostril breathing technique. The yogis also believe that diabetes is caused to a large extent by breathing mainly through the right nostril. (by )

Yogis believe that this exercise will clean and rejuvenate your vital channels of energy. And I can certainly do with some of that.....
(should be practiced with an experienced teacher if not done before x )
Thursday, 23 November 2017
and there's more...: !st day
and there's more...: !st day: Yes its the !st day and the exclamation mark is deliberate ( I know its hard to tell with my blogs! ��) So my decision to take my yoga p...
!st day
Yes its the !st day and the exclamation mark is deliberate ( I know its hard to tell with my blogs! 😉)
So my decision to take my yoga passion forward ( see previous blog ) is well under way.

So my !st day was a day full of mixed emotions... and I thought it might be a valuable life lesson to revisit it ( whilst its still fresh in my mind ) and use it for my journal. ( which I need as part of my Yoga instructor course )
It was made marginally more comfortable by the fact that I was coming along with someone else.
Katie, one of my instructors in another class, was also on this course, but other than at the leisure centre, I didnt know her.
BUT I really felt out of my depth. Was everyone else feeling the same as me? Everyone else had probably done a lot more yoga than me! (hadnt they?) They definitely seemed more knowledgeable than me. They were all different ages but I would say I was one of the oldest. I was expecting at least half of them to be wearing some kind of 'yoga attire' beads, braided hair etc ( but there wasnt any ... no I didnt have any on either lol )
Just shows what kind of stereotypical pictures I had in my head!
But there was all different types. 9 women and 1 guy. From different walks of life, including a nurse a cosmetic tatooist amongst others.
The tutor was not what I expected either. I dont really know what I expected! probably someone who looked more like a 'YOGI'? lol ( what even does a yogi look like )
well they look a lot like the rest of us, a very mixed bunch.
Ist day consisted of explaining the course and an awful lot of information crammed into a short amount of time.
There was an opportunity to do some practical too.
And then the awful realisation that we all would get an opportunity to have a go at teaching!!!
Each of us had to teach several class members. It was only Introduction and mobilisation BUT I was so stressed. I have never had to do anything like this before and I was well out of my comfort zone.
And its fair to say I did NOT enjoy it.
And the strange thing was I had done all the moves/sequences etc hundreds of times before ( they were a very simplified version of what I do ) YET when it was my turn to teach I couldnt remember anything..HELL I'd even forgot how to breathe!!!!
( did I really choose to do this ? )

So my !st day was a day full of mixed emotions... and I thought it might be a valuable life lesson to revisit it ( whilst its still fresh in my mind ) and use it for my journal. ( which I need as part of my Yoga instructor course )
It was made marginally more comfortable by the fact that I was coming along with someone else.
Katie, one of my instructors in another class, was also on this course, but other than at the leisure centre, I didnt know her.
BUT I really felt out of my depth. Was everyone else feeling the same as me? Everyone else had probably done a lot more yoga than me! (hadnt they?) They definitely seemed more knowledgeable than me. They were all different ages but I would say I was one of the oldest. I was expecting at least half of them to be wearing some kind of 'yoga attire' beads, braided hair etc ( but there wasnt any ... no I didnt have any on either lol )
Just shows what kind of stereotypical pictures I had in my head!
But there was all different types. 9 women and 1 guy. From different walks of life, including a nurse a cosmetic tatooist amongst others.

well they look a lot like the rest of us, a very mixed bunch.
Ist day consisted of explaining the course and an awful lot of information crammed into a short amount of time.
There was an opportunity to do some practical too.
And then the awful realisation that we all would get an opportunity to have a go at teaching!!!
Each of us had to teach several class members. It was only Introduction and mobilisation BUT I was so stressed. I have never had to do anything like this before and I was well out of my comfort zone.
And its fair to say I did NOT enjoy it.
And the strange thing was I had done all the moves/sequences etc hundreds of times before ( they were a very simplified version of what I do ) YET when it was my turn to teach I couldnt remember anything..HELL I'd even forgot how to breathe!!!!
( did I really choose to do this ? )
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
and there's more...: 3 weeks? that cant be right
and there's more...: 3 weeks? that cant be right: Hi there.... I cant believe it has been 3 weeks since my last blog reason.... for the love of my yoga ( or not at the moment �� ) Wh...
3 weeks? that cant be right
Hi there.... I cant believe it has been 3 weeks since my last blog
reason.... for the love of my yoga ( or not at the moment 😣 )
Why do I do this to myself?
Everything was going fine, I was not working, I was doing 6 classes a week, yoga and body balance, and going to the gym!!! yes I was feeling damn good.
No stresses ( well hardly any, obviously still got my husband, 5 children and 8 grandchildren...but hey, thats norm...right? )
But could I be content? No!
I had to find something extra to do!
I could do more classes?
I could do more retail therapy ( theres only so much you can do ! )
I could do more girly lunches?
OR........ I could train to be a yoga instructor!!!!!!!! Mmmmmm
So how lucky was I, when I found out that one of the instructors from my local leisure centre was just enrolling on such a course 😃 and would I like to join her?
( I hadnt thought of doing it quite that soon!!! )
So the suggestion was no sooner said and I had enrolled.
( Yes its fair to say I have seriously lost the plot)
So its been several weeks and the stress is killing me ( yes I know ..I thought yoga was supposed to relieve stress too )
I knew it was going to be tough but really, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for.
1st practical weekend was so intense, Asanas, breathing exercises, teaching...
And the assignments, well they are something else.
By the end of the 2nd day I was numb, I seriously could not take any more information in.
I couldnt even remember where my knees where!!!!!

No stresses ( well hardly any, obviously still got my husband, 5 children and 8 grandchildren...but hey, thats norm...right? )
But could I be content? No!
I had to find something extra to do!
I could do more classes?
I could do more retail therapy ( theres only so much you can do ! )
I could do more girly lunches?
OR........ I could train to be a yoga instructor!!!!!!!! Mmmmmm
So how lucky was I, when I found out that one of the instructors from my local leisure centre was just enrolling on such a course 😃 and would I like to join her?
( I hadnt thought of doing it quite that soon!!! )
So the suggestion was no sooner said and I had enrolled.
( Yes its fair to say I have seriously lost the plot)
So its been several weeks and the stress is killing me ( yes I know ..I thought yoga was supposed to relieve stress too )
I knew it was going to be tough but really, I had no idea what I was letting myself in for.
1st practical weekend was so intense, Asanas, breathing exercises, teaching...
And the assignments, well they are something else.
By the end of the 2nd day I was numb, I seriously could not take any more information in.

Yep all I wanted was sleep zzzzzzzzz
But as we all know.....stress levels do not equal a good nights sleep.....or good digestion or anything else that good !
When I am awake all I am thinking of is yoga yoga yoga and I am praying for sleep...and when I am asleep I am dreaming about it and wide awake after an hour or so ... full of energy NOT!!!!
Hence...why I am wide awake at 3am blogging.....
Wish me luck on my journey
(I am definitely gonna need it ! )

#my journey,
stress in hell
Monday, 23 October 2017
and there's more...: Get stretching - Parsva Sukhasana
and there's more...: Get stretching - Parsva Sukhasana: Good morning... its time to stretch I start with a few gentle breaths to waken the body.. here goes.. Tadasana - mountain pose ...
Get stretching - Parsva Sukhasana
Good morning... its time to stretch
I start with a few gentle breaths to waken the body.. here goes.. Tadasana - mountain pose

Inhale through the nose and stretch your arms up and above your head, keeping feet grounded and close together..letting the in breath inflate your chest
exhale through the mouth, returning the arms back down to the sides of the body, noticing how the chest deflates on the out breath.. repeat this several times making the breath deeper with each breath..filling the lungs with fresh oxygen and expelling the stale breath
focus and keep breath smooth and controlled... try to stretch as tall as possible ( keep upper body soft and legs strong, knee caps lifted )
A few sun salutations to warm up the body as seen in previous posts...
and onto some side body stretches... ( some of my favourite asanas )

I find this beneficial for my obliques and back, a part of the body that I dont usually stretch in my usual day to day movements.
This is one of the asana that I have seen noticeable improvement since i started practising yoga. I love the lengthening that I feel from doing this pose.
A more advanced asana can
be seen here Parivrtta janu sisasana ( seated side stretch ) it also shows which muscles are being used.This gives the sides of the body a fantastic stretch as seen in the diagrams, it has many benefits including opening and lengthening the side of the body and intercostal muscles between the ribs.
It also massages the abdominal organs improving digestion.
It is important to keep both sitting bones down and to keep lengthening before stretching over to side.
Friday, 20 October 2017
and there's more...: meno-inconvenience
and there's more...: meno-inconvenience: well hello... its been a few days hasnt it ? ...and I'm surprised i can remember I even have a blog just lately!! Seriously ...
well hello... its been a few days hasnt it ? ...and I'm surprised i can remember I even have a blog just lately!!
Seriously ..dont know what it is just lately but I just cannot be bothered with anything, I seem to be in backward mode...
I have been to the gym once this week. ( now that is unheard of and YES... i feel s**t )
I'd like to say that In have got loads of my course work done..but ..that would be a lie...
And it's not for the want of trying, I get the books out , put the computer on, and then..NOTHING..
I read the pages but nothing seems to be going in... ( and yes I think its all to do with the dreaded menopause, and its damned INCONVENIENT ) and I definitely have not got time for this s**t
Funny thing is ...I keep saying to myself 'I will start tomorrow' and tomorrow comes and goes... and the words still dont register.
And my course work due date is getting closer and closer ( and the really odd thing is ..I dont seemed bothered..usually I would be really stressed....
my 'get up and go' and got up and gone!!!!

What the hell is going on....
Monday, 16 October 2017
and there's more...: Happy Cat
and there's more...: Happy Cat: Not every day is the same and that is also the case with my yoga practice. Today was one such day, I was really looking forward to it, main...
Happy Cat
Not every day is the same and that is also the case with my yoga practice.
Today was one such day, I was really looking forward to it, mainly because I had been feeling a bit run down due to work load etc and I knew it would make me feel better.
Our instructor arrived looking full of 'sun salutation' as usual..she has a way of making me instantly feel fab, she is just so bubbly and full of energy
Practice starts with a gentle flow from bitilasana ( cow pose ) through to marjaryasana ( cat pose ),
A lovely gentle stretch to start our practice.

This warms and stretches my spine and helps me to let go of the stresses of the week, it is an opportunity to open the chest and allow the breath to become slow and calm, inhaling through the nose, filling the lungs with oxygen, at the same time allowing the belly to drop towards the mat and lift the chin and chest and look upwards ( cow pose )... pausing momentarily, then exhale through the mouth, drawing naval to spine and at the same time rounding the back toward the ceiling, and releasing the head toward the mat gently ( cat pose ).
This has the effect of bringing me immediately into the moment, focusing on inhaling/exhaling deeply into the asana (poses ) using the breath to flow effortlessly from one to the other.
We repeat this 10 times breathing more deeply/slowly with each move,
coming to rest, sitting back on heels in an upright position.
Feeling Purrfect 😻 😉
Benefits of these asana include
- encourages flexibility to the spine
- stretches muscles in back, hip, torso, neck, shoulders
- stimulates internal organs
- opening lungs
Sunday, 15 October 2017
and there's more...: relaxed and calm Sunday
and there's more...: relaxed and calm Sunday: This is so unusual for me, relaxing is something I never think of doing ( unless I'm in my yoga class ��) Its non-stop usually.....
relaxed and calm Sunday
This is so unusual for me, relaxing is something I never think of doing
( unless I'm in my yoga class 😉)

But today was different...still got up early, did a bit of my course work 😉( cus I got to get it in )
and decided I was going to take a nice cup of coffee back to bed!!!
and just CHILL with the husband... like I had nothing else in the world to do ( and it was fab... ) sometimes I'm just too busy living that I actually forget to LIVE.. and enjoy it....
just spending the day with loved ones ( no exercise classes and no golf today! ) chilling and catching up, eating at home...
Sometimes you just got to do nothing!!
but enjoy the life that the Blessed Lord has given you
Having a Blessed Sunday
Hope yours was too
Saturday, 14 October 2017
and there's more...: Not feeling myself
and there's more...: Not feeling myself: Good Morning ��or rather not got up at my normal 6.30 am and I'd got the worst headache ever ( i do have quite a few but this was a c...
Not feeling myself
Good Morning 😚or rather not
got up at my normal 6.30 am and I'd got the worst headache ever ( i do have quite a few but this was a corker ) tried to ignore it and go about my business, but realised it wasnt going anywhere soon. Then I realised it wasnt just a headache, my joints were aching, i had backache, my legs were hurting and i felt very sick, ( these are very similar symptoms I would experience before my period, which as I have said in previous posts are about every 3 months now) but its my inability to regulate my temperature i find really strange!!!
If I am not having a flush, with steam coming out of my ears!! I'm freezing cold.. what is it all about.
So I must admit I had to go back to bed, which I never do, much too hyper for that. And as I feeling so cold, I just welcomed my duvet. And it was bazarre because I just drifted into a deep sleep, almost dilarious dreaming of things and people from years ago..very odd.
I emerged about lunch time feeling a little groggy and set about getting back to normal.. which took a while.
But next morning I felt fine, little washed out, but lovly, and was raring to go to my yoga class.
Very strange, too short lived to be a bug or a cold, or even anything connected with the 13th 😏, and I did think may be i'd eaten something that didnt agree with me, but I think there would of been different symptoms....and the fact that I have been having these temperature fluctuations regularly now for about 3 weeks is really knocking me off my feet.
I am definitely thinking more MENOPAUSE symptoms and I am really thinking of seeing my GP for some HRT!!!
If I am not having a flush, with steam coming out of my ears!! I'm freezing cold.. what is it all about.
So I must admit I had to go back to bed, which I never do, much too hyper for that. And as I feeling so cold, I just welcomed my duvet. And it was bazarre because I just drifted into a deep sleep, almost dilarious dreaming of things and people from years ago..very odd.
I emerged about lunch time feeling a little groggy and set about getting back to normal.. which took a while.
But next morning I felt fine, little washed out, but lovly, and was raring to go to my yoga class.
Very strange, too short lived to be a bug or a cold, or even anything connected with the 13th 😏, and I did think may be i'd eaten something that didnt agree with me, but I think there would of been different symptoms....and the fact that I have been having these temperature fluctuations regularly now for about 3 weeks is really knocking me off my feet.
I am definitely thinking more MENOPAUSE symptoms and I am really thinking of seeing my GP for some HRT!!!
Monday, 9 October 2017
and there's more...: Not been feeling the best ..need my yoga practice
and there's more...: Not been feeling the best ..need my yoga practice: I'm guessing its due to the time of year ( its normal for me to have a cold/flu etc in the autumn/winter months) that I am feeling a lit...
Not been feeling the best ..need my yoga practice
I'm guessing its due to the time of year ( its normal for me to have a cold/flu etc in the autumn/winter months) that I am feeling a little odd!
I use the word ODD because I dont feel ill but I do feel all of these: tired, weak, lack of motivation, cold, sniffles, not sleeping well.
It could be one of several things, spending a day outdoors when I initially didnt feel well, change of weather, onset of a cold or the dreaded menopause,
Having said that it seems since I found 'Yoga' ( this included drinking more water, eating a healthier diet, doing more exercise/classes and so on ) I do not have any where near as many colds as before.
( could just be a coincidence lol )
So it came as a bit of a shock for me to feel unwell. So I did initially just carry on as norm but realised quite quickly that I needed to give myself a break and listen to my body!
I've rested ( well not rested, but not done any classes for a few days, 4 days!!! ) so only done some stretches 1st thing each day.
Thats been very difficult for me as I am quite hyper... so I am in a hurry to resume normal service as soon as possible
my home yoga practice starts with a few full standing body stretches ( mountain pose/Tadasana ) inhalingexhaling fully allowing the lungs to fill/empty with oxygen...stretching all the stresses out and away..i love this stretch
on to a few gentle forward folds with legs bent ... being kind to my body as I havnt done anything for a few days.
continuing onto all fours..a few cat/cow poses inhaling into cat exhaling to cow pose...feeling a lovly stretch in my back/shoulders
onto my back for some leg stretches...raise leg grasping behind knee.. moving to shin and finally ankle..feeling a stretch in my groin and hamstrings..feels good to stretch, holding the stretch for a few breaths and gently rotating ankle both ways... intensifying stretch ( then onto other leg )
then onto a seated forward fold..exhaling down..inhaling up. not getting very near to my knees this morning!! but loving the stretch. after several breaths here, its back down to mat for a full body stretch, flexing and pointing the toes, arms above head for the ultimate stretch....
I use the word ODD because I dont feel ill but I do feel all of these: tired, weak, lack of motivation, cold, sniffles, not sleeping well.
It could be one of several things, spending a day outdoors when I initially didnt feel well, change of weather, onset of a cold or the dreaded menopause,
Having said that it seems since I found 'Yoga' ( this included drinking more water, eating a healthier diet, doing more exercise/classes and so on ) I do not have any where near as many colds as before.
( could just be a coincidence lol )
So it came as a bit of a shock for me to feel unwell. So I did initially just carry on as norm but realised quite quickly that I needed to give myself a break and listen to my body!

Thats been very difficult for me as I am quite hyper... so I am in a hurry to resume normal service as soon as possible
my home yoga practice starts with a few full standing body stretches ( mountain pose/Tadasana ) inhalingexhaling fully allowing the lungs to fill/empty with oxygen...stretching all the stresses out and away..i love this stretch
on to a few gentle forward folds with legs bent ... being kind to my body as I havnt done anything for a few days.
continuing onto all fours..a few cat/cow poses inhaling into cat exhaling to cow pose...feeling a lovly stretch in my back/shoulders
onto my back for some leg stretches...raise leg grasping behind knee.. moving to shin and finally ankle..feeling a stretch in my groin and hamstrings..feels good to stretch, holding the stretch for a few breaths and gently rotating ankle both ways... intensifying stretch ( then onto other leg )
then onto a seated forward fold..exhaling down..inhaling up. not getting very near to my knees this morning!! but loving the stretch. after several breaths here, its back down to mat for a full body stretch, flexing and pointing the toes, arms above head for the ultimate stretch....
feeling energised and somewhat taller!!
and now its time for breakfast
have a fab day
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