So my decision to take my yoga passion forward ( see previous blog ) is well under way.

So my !st day was a day full of mixed emotions... and I thought it might be a valuable life lesson to revisit it ( whilst its still fresh in my mind ) and use it for my journal. ( which I need as part of my Yoga instructor course )
It was made marginally more comfortable by the fact that I was coming along with someone else.
Katie, one of my instructors in another class, was also on this course, but other than at the leisure centre, I didnt know her.
BUT I really felt out of my depth. Was everyone else feeling the same as me? Everyone else had probably done a lot more yoga than me! (hadnt they?) They definitely seemed more knowledgeable than me. They were all different ages but I would say I was one of the oldest. I was expecting at least half of them to be wearing some kind of 'yoga attire' beads, braided hair etc ( but there wasnt any ... no I didnt have any on either lol )
Just shows what kind of stereotypical pictures I had in my head!
But there was all different types. 9 women and 1 guy. From different walks of life, including a nurse a cosmetic tatooist amongst others.
The tutor was not what I expected either. I dont really know what I expected! probably someone who looked more like a 'YOGI'? lol ( what even does a yogi look like )
well they look a lot like the rest of us, a very mixed bunch.
Ist day consisted of explaining the course and an awful lot of information crammed into a short amount of time.
There was an opportunity to do some practical too.
And then the awful realisation that we all would get an opportunity to have a go at teaching!!!
Each of us had to teach several class members. It was only Introduction and mobilisation BUT I was so stressed. I have never had to do anything like this before and I was well out of my comfort zone.
And its fair to say I did NOT enjoy it.
And the strange thing was I had done all the moves/sequences etc hundreds of times before ( they were a very simplified version of what I do ) YET when it was my turn to teach I couldnt remember anything..HELL I'd even forgot how to breathe!!!!
( did I really choose to do this ? )

So my !st day was a day full of mixed emotions... and I thought it might be a valuable life lesson to revisit it ( whilst its still fresh in my mind ) and use it for my journal. ( which I need as part of my Yoga instructor course )
It was made marginally more comfortable by the fact that I was coming along with someone else.
Katie, one of my instructors in another class, was also on this course, but other than at the leisure centre, I didnt know her.
BUT I really felt out of my depth. Was everyone else feeling the same as me? Everyone else had probably done a lot more yoga than me! (hadnt they?) They definitely seemed more knowledgeable than me. They were all different ages but I would say I was one of the oldest. I was expecting at least half of them to be wearing some kind of 'yoga attire' beads, braided hair etc ( but there wasnt any ... no I didnt have any on either lol )
Just shows what kind of stereotypical pictures I had in my head!
But there was all different types. 9 women and 1 guy. From different walks of life, including a nurse a cosmetic tatooist amongst others.

well they look a lot like the rest of us, a very mixed bunch.
Ist day consisted of explaining the course and an awful lot of information crammed into a short amount of time.
There was an opportunity to do some practical too.
And then the awful realisation that we all would get an opportunity to have a go at teaching!!!
Each of us had to teach several class members. It was only Introduction and mobilisation BUT I was so stressed. I have never had to do anything like this before and I was well out of my comfort zone.
And its fair to say I did NOT enjoy it.
And the strange thing was I had done all the moves/sequences etc hundreds of times before ( they were a very simplified version of what I do ) YET when it was my turn to teach I couldnt remember anything..HELL I'd even forgot how to breathe!!!!
( did I really choose to do this ? )
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