Friday 29 December 2017

vinyasa class

Hi ..just to show i'm still hard at it.. and just in case you want to come along for the journey...  Hope your xmas is happy healthy and enjoyable....

Vinyasa class

My vinyasa class started on the mat this morning with a few spinal twists.
We started on our back.  knees above hips and then lower  to one side, feeling a nice stretch in side and spine.  Then repeat on other side.
2nd round bodies warming up, as we lower knees to one side we turn head to opposite side to intensify stretch, and there is also an option to hold knees with hand to again intensify stretch…holding for several breaths here, breathing deeply into stretch.
Then coming into our 1st down ward dog knees bent 1st round peddling the heels, taking time here to gently warm up hamstrings/calves.
love the stretch that this gives to the shoulders and back.
And from there into a forward fold.. afew breaths here…into rag doll, again stretching hamstrings and back into downward dog for several breaths.
come to standing and first full body stretch and small back bend… back to forward fold..table top…forward fold x 4
then into plank and chataranga and back to downward dog.
holding this for several breaths, breathing into stretch.
Next into lunge ..onto twisted lunge both sides, walking back to front of mat.
next downward dog again for several breaths
into standing and onto balance pose. balance on one leg taking hold either under knee or toe if possible and take out to side of body ( not my favorite pose, my hips don’t want to open anyway and sepecially not out to side of body…I always seem to get an ache in my glute in this pose which quickly turns into a cramp…owch )
Then onto other side, followed by leg raised and taken across front of body and toe held with opposite hand.
Leg taken behind and then back into downward dog and flowing into some one legged balance using opposite hand for support…holding for several breaths here. Back to downward dog and then onto other leg.
Followed by yet another downward dog ( this time a wide legged version )
Next was trikonasana ( triangle pose ) good for obliques/spine/legs
And yes back into downward dog
forward fold to stretch out the spine and into rag doll.
Time for a little respite!
back to supine twists to  stretch out those tired muscles.
Up to seated cross legged… forward fold ( if that is even possible ! ) and not forgetting on the other leg!
then onto cobblers pose… ( and breathe )
Related imageBalasana….and savasana  Phewwwwww

This was quite a challenging class…there was not many options to rest ( unless you class downward dog as a rest! )
But I feel energised yet calm and very very warm…..
( I didn’t count them but there must have been at least 40 downward facing dog!!!! )


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