So me n me lad had a lay in.....well till about 7.30
He'd got college n I'd got trainin...not my idea of a fab day but hey...
Takes me an hour to get to the trainin venue...
Pay £5 to park my car.
He'd got college n I'd got trainin...not my idea of a fab day but hey...
Takes me an hour to get to the trainin venue...
Pay £5 to park my car.
And there's more.....
U can not b serious. ..!!!!WTF.....!!!!
''They no longer use our establishment for training,. they've moved.., emptied evrythin out...gone" the nice lady at reception told me!!!
Ok ok...i get the message
"Didnt any one tell you?
Err... yes they did but i thought id cum to the wrong address anyway!!!!
Obviously not...... ''No'' I replied in the best tone i cud find!!
She made small chat with me...advised me I shud complain.... and that it wasnt very professionaletc etc...oh and just for an extra woosh....
''They had a big opening day. ..surprised u didnt know about that !!!''
''No no, I hadnt heard about that, oh well never mind. Dont spose they left a forwarding address? '' I asked
''Oh yes they did somewhere, now where did i put it....''
Anytime today i am already runnng late......trying my hardest not to think out aloud....
n yes i know shes only tryin to help
So then back to the hotel carpark to ggggrovel to the lady at reception to give me the £5 parking fee back as i dont need it now DO I ????

To cut a very long story short i couldnt find the bloody new training venue...i got completly lost....

. so after about an hour i decided to go shoppin instead.....
I need a plan
Phone the daughter/grandaughter.....I know the Debenham sales have started so here goes.....
Shops are manic..everybody loaded up..everybody after a bargain for xmas including me lol

....but 1st thngs 1st......

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