Yesterday I was racing round like a headless chicken....↩↪❓❔↔
rudely awakened by my alarm clock...sandwiches to prepare...household chores to be to be prepared for teatime...and then some !!!
But today I'm sitting on a trusty Thomson...views over France and Vienna...heading toward Cyprus for a cheeky 7 days....oh yes ....and a nice glass of somthing nice.....
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
What a difference a day makes
Beautiful Sunny Cyprus
This is one of the many beautiful sights we have seen over a few short days in beautiful Cyprus.
The sea caves situated just along the coast from Ayia Napa heading towards Sterna.
The crystal clear waters caress the entrance to these amazing sights nature at its beautiful best.
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Little notes to oneself !!!
Let me tell u more...
As i 've got older....yes yes I sed it.... ( and not gracefully

Annd there's more....
God forbid I even leave a txt 2 myself to tell me 2 look at my notes !!!!!

So i am just browsing my Phone motes !!! And i find my 'things 2 get for my holiday '

And yes u guessed it....theres things I forgot to get.....
But on the bright wasn't my passport
Happy holidays

Thursday, 16 April 2015
Very Hectic couple of dayz....keeps your mind active
So this is the mad few days before your hols
Buying all those essentials. 💳😞
👡👚👜👚👗👒💄👠.only to find when you get home that in your excitement you bought them yesterday much for being a savvy shopper 😈
Do i really need a different sun oil ( is it gonna make me more bronzed 😉....can i afford it? Or afford not too !! 😲 😅)
Is this the hotel that has the lovly bathroom essentials etc 🚿🍸???
Or was that the other one !!!
Phew i wil definitely need a holiday after all this shopping !!!
How much luggage am I allowed ????
Please excuse my mobile blog....I m blogging on the go.....x
Saturday, 11 April 2015
#wow...another b.e.a.utiful day

Friday, 10 April 2015
#savvyshopper Biotrue offer

Thursday, 9 April 2015
#savvyshopper Elegant Touch Cuticle nippers

Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Eves dropping on the neighbours conversation

Monday, 6 April 2015
Beautiful Easter Monday

Sunday, 5 April 2015
Happy Easter Day

Friday, 3 April 2015
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord

Oh my dayz...the shops are rammed....the carparks rammed....and the cafes are rammed

looks like I'm in for a Easter Treat!!!!
not even a Costa....time to head off i think

call in on the kids on the way back.
then off to 3pm Mass.....inspiring....beautiful....thought provoking
the perfect part of Good Friday ...the true meaning of Good Friday

So many mixed emotions in one