To do yoga everyday is a gift to ourselves
a gift that brings with it many benefits
No 2 days are the same ..something we all agree on I'm sure
Some mornings we wake and are full of energy and good intentions..
and other days we wake and that energy somehow still seems to be sleeping!!
Sometimes that energy needs a little nudge or a kick up the gluteus maximus 😉
Yoga is a perfect way to do this..
on days like these I take a few nice deep inhales and exhales...stretching the arms above my head...inhale and reach for the sky and lower arms to the side of the body as you exhale..after several of these I move on to forward fold...
Forward fold with knees bent and exhale deeply, exhaling out that stale breath from the body..let body be quite relaxed /floppy as you exhale down..and gently draw in abdominal muscles, helping to push out that stale breath..repeat this several times....
I try to let this sequence flow smoothly from Tadasana ( mountain pose ) through to Uttanasana ( standing forward fold )
I am gentle with my body 1st thing in the morning and allow my knees to be bent in uttanasana, and move on to legs being straight after several sequences ( and if it feels good )
It is important to work to our own bodies is our practise.
I soon feel the energy/warmth waking....
This sequence only takes minutes but sets me up for the even if I am very limited on time I can still fit this in....and hopefully time permitting I can follow this with either a home practise or instructor led class at the gym.....
Have a fab day

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