Thursday, 19 July 2018
and there's more...: Judgement day
and there's more...: Judgement day: so my exam day has arrived, and I have been revising loads.....but there is so much to learn and not enough hours to revise everything!!! ...
Judgement day
so my exam day has arrived, and I have been revising loads.....but there is so much to learn and not enough hours to revise everything!!!

And to be honest I am not feeling nervous about sitting the exam
( which is really must be due to all that meditation I have been doing )
Its fair to say that I am a bit apprehensive ....
If the right questions come up I will pass...
If they dont...I'm gonna fail...
Simple as that.....
Thats what I have been telling myself anyway 😉
wish me luck 😉

And to be honest I am not feeling nervous about sitting the exam
( which is really must be due to all that meditation I have been doing )
Its fair to say that I am a bit apprehensive ....
If the right questions come up I will pass...
If they dont...I'm gonna fail...
Simple as that.....
Thats what I have been telling myself anyway 😉
wish me luck 😉
Thursday, 12 July 2018
and there's more...: Nothing going in!!!!!
and there's more...: Nothing going in!!!!!: Information Overload So i have failed my A and P exam by just 3 marks!!!! To be fair ..I really didnt put enough time in...
Nothing going in!!!!!
Information Overload

So i have failed my A and P exam by just 3 marks!!!!
To be fair ..I really didnt put enough time into revising. I was being optimistic and hoping the questions would fall my way ( well they might have done 😃😃 )
Yes I now know, that they didnt .....
So I put straight back in for it ( well I didnt want to forget the information that I HAD learnt 😁 ) It took months to get it in there, but believe me it dosnt take long to get it out...I think it gets lost in commuting lol )

My brain is so full of anatomy and physiology terms that I now do not know if I am standing on my **** or my elbow ( apologies if you are of a sensitive nature )
So my nxt exam date is looming ( 2 days time actually ) and I feel like I could do with a holiday!!😎😎
But its got to be done....
wish me luck
watch this space x

Tuesday, 22 May 2018
and there's more...: 2 months since my last post ???? How can that be!...
and there's more...: 2 months since my last post ???? How can that be!...: Hello I can not believe that I have not posted for so long.... And to be honest much of it seems a blur!!!! Its fair to say that I do...
2 months since my last post ???? How can that be!!!
I can not believe that I have not posted for so long....
And to be honest much of it seems a blur!!!!
Its fair to say that I do feel really tired and am in automatic pilot
* 5 am awake ...the norm now for getting up ( as I am dropping my son off still at the train station for his journey into work )😊
* Then back home...with a detour to the gym on Tuesdays and Wednesdays ( because tragically our muscle deteriates as we get we have to put more effort in to get the same result!!!!)
* Then back home prepare breakfast and off to work on Mondays and Thursday ( yes i still have my job ..its been 4 months now!!! )🕣
* Body Balance on a wednesday and friday ( cant give that up... love it )😍
* And there my Yoga class on a saturday ( I absolutely love sharing my passion for Yoga with newbys and regulars .... I love that they are sharing and joining me on my journey )🙏
and not forgetting the housework, cooking, cleaning, and preparing for my classes....and I still have exams and papers to submit!!!!😣
and not forgetting family and frends ( thats really important too )
must find time to fit in a ladies lunch 😉
yes i can see why I'm tired lol.... but its all good.... it means im alive ( exhausted but alive )😍😍😍😍
Have a fab day 💋
Monday, 26 March 2018
and there's more...: cant believe its been another month
and there's more...: cant believe its been another month: How can it be a month since I last posted!!!! Unbelievable how quick time is flying by. Time is mainly took up with my yoga classes ( o...
cant believe its been another month
How can it be a month since I last posted!!!!

Time is mainly took up with my yoga classes ( or the preparation of them )
I love teaching yoga even tho it is very early days and I have so much to learn. And of course I am still doing my body balance classes!!!!
To be honest tho, I feel exhausted most of the time ( in a good way )
I just hope my energy levels are going to rise to it.... SOOONNNN lol
I like to research each pose I teach and like to give out an instruction sheet for my students to take home. And it all takes up a lot of time.
I think its really useful if they can do a little bit of practice at gives them confidence for when they come to the next class
( and its lovly when they ask 'which pose are we learning this week?' )
I love to find different music for the meditation... I listen to it loads during the week to see how it makes me feel
This week we listened to GayatriMantra 💞 I love this, but there are some arrangements that I really love....and others that I dont like quite as much!!!!
Feedback was amazing..... everyone loved it too.
Its not a big class but everyone is really lovly and we are going on this journey together, improving every week, getting more calm each week and hopefully taking something really beneficial away with them when they leave the class.
I hope they will continue to join me
and we can grow together
love n light
Sunday, 25 February 2018
and there's more...: has it really been 25 days !
and there's more...: has it really been 25 days !: That really is unbelievable....its been 25 days since my last post January was just coming to an end...and in the blink of an eye its now n...
has it really been 25 days !
That really is unbelievable....its been 25 days since my last post
January was just coming to an end...and in the blink of an eye its now nearly the end of February.... )
This month has been equally as crazy as last month.
So last week was my 1st class ( I say class it was actually me stepping in for someone to do the meditation at the end of a class ) thats another blog
3!!!! of my grandchildren had birthdays in february you would have thought the mothers could have been a bit more considerate 😉

Still persevering with my new job ( 6 weeks now )
Am over the moon as I submitted my 1st yoga paper and passed, thank the Lord! I did put an absurd amount of work i and was quite often burning the midnight oil writing, but so thrilled to see it pay off, 3 to go and 2 exams to sit, no pain no gain!!!!
Have my 1st 'proper yoga class ' to teach next week. yes very nervous. but its got to be done.
focusing on my classes, body balance mainly, (I need it for my sanity)
Also just started a daily yoga regime at home ( vinyasa flow ) 6 days in ...phewwwww
Feeling exhausted, but in a good way ( i think 😉)
January was just coming to an end...and in the blink of an eye its now nearly the end of February.... )
This month has been equally as crazy as last month.
So last week was my 1st class ( I say class it was actually me stepping in for someone to do the meditation at the end of a class ) thats another blog
3!!!! of my grandchildren had birthdays in february you would have thought the mothers could have been a bit more considerate 😉

Still persevering with my new job ( 6 weeks now )
Am over the moon as I submitted my 1st yoga paper and passed, thank the Lord! I did put an absurd amount of work i and was quite often burning the midnight oil writing, but so thrilled to see it pay off, 3 to go and 2 exams to sit, no pain no gain!!!!
Have my 1st 'proper yoga class ' to teach next week. yes very nervous. but its got to be done.
focusing on my classes, body balance mainly, (I need it for my sanity)
Also just started a daily yoga regime at home ( vinyasa flow ) 6 days in ...phewwwww
Feeling exhausted, but in a good way ( i think 😉)
Thank you for joining me on my journey
Tuesday, 30 January 2018
and there's more...: Mad January
and there's more...: Mad January: Wow what a Mad start to the year...and I can not believe January 2018 is nearly gone.... and what a month it has been Me passing my yoga...
Mad January
Wow what a Mad start to the year...and I can not believe January 2018 is nearly gone....
and what a month it has been
Me passing my yoga instructor practical ( now that was intense)
Glad that is finished...or may be I should say just beginning ( my journey that is....)
And just typical of me...I decided to get back into the world of optics...
( I am doing a couple of days for my cousins boss!!! )
So getting refreshed in that has been somewhat time consuming....( 3rd week in and Im beginning to get back into it )
And on top of that trying to get my 16 yr old settled into an apprenticeship ( because if I dont...he wont!!! )
And then theres my other 4 children who also want a bit of me...especially that daughter 😉😉
And not forgetting the 8 granchildren.......
Oh yes and I just remembered......( my lovly husband needs a little bit of my time 💖💖)
Wow...thats a lot of hrs in the day
And then of course I have to 'fit' 😉 in my classes ( body balance, yoga, gym sessions.....and a new one for this year BODY PUMP💪💪💪
And when I look at it like that no wandered Im looking exhausted !!!!!!
its been a good start to 2018 ( if not a little tiring )
and what a month it has been
Me passing my yoga instructor practical ( now that was intense)
Glad that is finished...or may be I should say just beginning ( my journey that is....)
And just typical of me...I decided to get back into the world of optics...
( I am doing a couple of days for my cousins boss!!! )
So getting refreshed in that has been somewhat time consuming....( 3rd week in and Im beginning to get back into it )
And on top of that trying to get my 16 yr old settled into an apprenticeship ( because if I dont...he wont!!! )
And then theres my other 4 children who also want a bit of me...especially that daughter 😉😉
And not forgetting the 8 granchildren.......
Oh yes and I just remembered......( my lovly husband needs a little bit of my time 💖💖)
Wow...thats a lot of hrs in the day

And when I look at it like that no wandered Im looking exhausted !!!!!!
its been a good start to 2018 ( if not a little tiring )
Thank the Lord for it..
Tuesday, 23 January 2018
and there's more...: Am I glad to get that out of the way
and there's more...: Am I glad to get that out of the way: Yoga Practical Assessment Looming...And breathe Its fair to say that I love yoga, but I'm guessing you know that from my blogs Bu...
Am I glad to get that out of the way
Yoga Practical Assessment Looming...And breathe
Its fair to say that I love yoga, but I'm guessing you know that from my blogs
But this last 6 months have really challenged me, in every sense..
6 months preparing for my practical exam ( to enable me to instruct a class ) eat breathe and sleep yoga
which as we all know does not make me an expert...far from it
So the day Arrived, the day I had been dreading since I was given my assessment date ( 6 months ago ) and I was really nervous.
The idea of teaching a group of strangers was very scary.
I thought I had gone over every single thing, checking paperwork, obtaining all relevant equipment ( blocks straps mats etc ) making sure my journal was up to date, ensuring water was available, AND, practising my routine til I really couldnt remember wether I was on my right or left side.
I must of gone over everything 100 times!!!!
It didnt start well, How ever I managed it I will never know ( I had forgot an essential piece of coursework! how could that be? ) The worst possible scenario had showed itself!!!!
So my assessor advised me to complete it there on the day, (how could I do that) which was not just stressful but really annoying because I wasnt able to do it to my standard, but I had to submit it or fail, before I'd even started
And all that achieved was to make me even more stressed...arghhhh
I did my practical ( even though I just wanted to run and hide myself, somewhere I found the strength and calm to complete it )
No it wasnt how I would have liked it to have been, but I did it
~He wasnt going to give me a pass~
no way...but hey I gave it my best shot
I was invited in to speak to my assessor and get my feedback, he said he knew I had had a stressful day ( tell me about it ) he asked me several questions about my class and how I would progress it ( which really irritated me, because what did it matter if I hadnt passed?)
Well....I could have 'pee'd my pants'
'I'm pleased to tell you that you have passed' he said
Well I nearly PASSED OUT!!!! My eyes leaked too!!!!
I didnt know wether to cry or hug him ( so I did both........ )

( its fair to say that on the day when it mattered I had a lot of support from my class mates and my assessor.....)
thank the Lord ( and may be a little bit of yoga 😉) for the strength I found to get me through it....
And breathe........

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