Information Overload

So i have failed my A and P exam by just 3 marks!!!!
To be fair ..I really didnt put enough time into revising. I was being optimistic and hoping the questions would fall my way ( well they might have done 😃😃 )
Yes I now know, that they didnt .....
So I put straight back in for it ( well I didnt want to forget the information that I HAD learnt 😁 ) It took months to get it in there, but believe me it dosnt take long to get it out...I think it gets lost in commuting lol )

My brain is so full of anatomy and physiology terms that I now do not know if I am standing on my **** or my elbow ( apologies if you are of a sensitive nature )
So my nxt exam date is looming ( 2 days time actually ) and I feel like I could do with a holiday!!😎😎
But its got to be done....
wish me luck
watch this space x

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