Yes this really sounds sad and depressing. And I apologise in advance
.but when we hear that someone has passed away, it stirs many emotions...grief..hopelessness... and theres more ....devastating....scary....lonely..numb ( sometimes we dont really know how we feel ? should we feel ? )..but ..all these things and many more..
But if theres one things that s for sure...its that it is going to affect us all at one time or another during our lifetime.....
Because a heart has stopped beating....
What I have learnt from my job over the last 14 months is that life is very special....and very short...( even if we are lucky enought to live til we are 100 !!! ) ask any 100 plus
Most will tell you that their life has fled past and that 21 seemed only yesterday....
For a lot of people life is a lot lot shorter ( unfortunatley )
most through no fault of their own are snatched away in their prime...... ( some through abuse and ignorance )
Yes we could say well its their own fault....they should of done this or they shouldnt of done that....but we dont know their situation....the whys or whos
If there is a positive side to someone dying... it has to be a reminder to the rest of us that life is for living...
look around...the beauty that sorrounds us.... enjoy the experience ...make the memories....count your blessings And theres more......
.Its a gift.....Embrace it
