I thought that might get your attention....it usually gets all mine !!!
this is what keeps me sane whilst at work..( no silly I dont drink and work !!!!) the thought that this is waiting for me when I finish .
.please dont misunderstand me.....I love what I do....I love all the patients...(especially the older ones...many of whom are in their 90's )
but its just that little thing....you know....yes we all have one....some are nicer than others....yep you guessed
the boss.....
So I smile and bite my tongue...and thats not easy for me...and just keep thinking
'u can do this...u've faced a lot tougher situations than this...this is a walk in the park .....'
and then reward myself with a nice glass of wine......

To say I'm surprised that I still have a job is an understatement.....but I do.....and have now been there for 7 months....wow 
so for all of u reading this who are having a hard time at work.....stick at it...smile....bite ye tongue.....prove them wrong....u can do it.....dont let it beat u !!!!!! your better than that......and dont forget ...u can always have 

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