Touch of Silver 
I love this product
I have tried loads of different products..much the same as the rest of us
Some are good ..some are bad ..and some are down right ugly ( waste of money )
so when i find something that i think does what it sais on the can i like to share it....
So here goes
For those of us who are blond ( either natural or bottle ) we sometimes like a little variation with our BLOND
So we go and spend hours in the hairdressers being bleached to within an inch of our lives and then continue to do this indefinitely for the foreseeable future!!!!!

And the result is not always what we are expecting...yes it can get better over a few weeks but lets face it ...we need results NOW
And this is where these little beauts come in
They are i suppose like an old fashioned toner and thats exactly what they do
' Formulated for blond, grey and white hair'
They tone down the brassiness
So yes even if you have all those beautiful natural hi-lites that we get at a certain age, this could be for you too
I have used it for quite a while now and obviously the more often you use it the more toning effect you will get...oh yes and the conditioner is amazing
It leaves the hair soft and if over bleaching has dried out your beautiful golden locks
.....Give it A Touch Of Silver