So this little discovery is too good to keep to myself!!!
So here goes
It is exclusive in the UK, to #Primark, yes u heard it correctly.
And u know I love a bargain. ( To b fair, I wasn't expecting miracles, but at £2....I thought I would give it a go) yes that's correct a whole £2 !!!!! And in #Primark that's a lot !!!!
I have always had a bit of an issue with lipsticks if I'm honest and as I said I was a bit apprehensive.
My lips are a bit sensitive 😚 (as I am myself 😉)
Well folks I have been using it now for about 6 months and I love it😍.
It is a natural product as it says on the packet.
It keeps the lips moist without looking too shiny and I have also applied it before bed if my lips have been a little dry from sun or wind exposure....😧😋.now now 😲
I have used this product occasionally as a base under my lippy and works well if u have allergy to lipstick ( as I do )
I did have a bit of a fright when I went to get some more.....
Cus there wasn't any !!!!😨
I thought typical.....found something I like and now it's discontinued ( ( this happens to me all the time )
Well to cut a long story short ( ok ok it already quite a long story !!!)
I ended up looking it up on line ( as u do 😊) found the distributor who was very helpful ( thank u 😊 )
She told me it was only available in the uk at Primark. ... ( I d already contacted all my local ones with no joy )
But the lovly lady emailed me a few days later to inform me knew supplies were goin out.
Fab...I now have a fresh supply😚😚
There are other lovly natural flavors but unfortunately not for the uk at the moment.
Please excuse the blogging format as I'm on holiday at the moment😎 and working on my phone
Happy puckering peeps 😗😙