for me every symptom has paused not stopped but does everything in slow speed....
Menopause, also known as the climacteric, is the time in most women's lives when menstrual periods stop permanently, and they are no longer able to bear children.[2][8] ( Wikipedia )
I was probably about 15 when I 1st had a about
average ..I think.
I was regular and had a period about every 28 days except
when I had my 5 children.
symptoms of oncoming period briefly included....
lower back pain 3 days before...
headache couple of days before ...very tender breasts week
stomach pains.....
I was quite surprised at 53 to be still having regular periods.
It was just after this that I noticed changes which included...
- time between period would be 5 weeks..then 6 weeks
- symptoms worse
- symptoms would be start earlier and last for longer and be more acute
- period would last longer
- emotional meltdown
- panic attacks
- nausea especially would be more obvious and last longer
- tiredness ( which I know could be due to age or doing more exercise )
- stomach hard and bloated for 4 weeks out of six

I wasnt going to have any more...
(I did have a test last year which said I hadnt many more eggs
left and I wouldnt have any more periods after last year..
but hey ho...
they are still apperioding 😉 Sorry I couldnt resist it...
( its a good job that I still took precautions 😉)
or there could of been a bambino on the scene...
( joking apart though...when I was told I hadnt many eggs left..
I immediately went into a bit of a panic and came over all
maternal and thought may be I should have one last baby
How weird are we........
So back to reality....I get another #period after 3 months...
and the build up to it was a pain in the ~~~~
the symptoms have been apparent for the last 3 weeks
or more..
especially the hard stomach ..#nausea..#tender breasts...
#back ache
( I actually thought I might have been expecting!!!! 😄)
no not really funny!
So the question is ..How long is this going to last..or do I
get hormone treatment...
Do I go au nateral...questions questions
oh and ive just remembered about another symptom..
and this is really annoying..thin skin!!!!!!
yes my skin especially on my face seems thinner..
less elasticity..less plump...
now that in itself is a big yessssss for hormone teatment
( if it addresses that ??)
So lets see how long this little #periodical lasts!!!!!!!
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