and that was a week ago....

but a li'l later that day I recieved a call inviting me to an interview with the recruitment agency
( yeah thats kind of what I thought...a ploy to get another member on their books )
And the inerview was arranged for the same day!!! I was in shock
For all intents and purposes it seemed a very positive meeting...staff were all really friendly
They assured me they would be in touch.. ( i didnt hold my breath )
It was about 3 days after when I got another call from the agency saying they had secured me an interview with the company!! Yes once again I was in shock...deeper shock!!
She advised me to research the company and prep well ( which I did)
I was the 1st on the list for interview...9am...I arrived at 8.30!!! ( well Id been up since 3am!! )
waited outside for a while ( didnt want to appear over eager!! lol )
Once again the interview went very well ...had a really good rapport with the company receptionist ( which would be the position I would be sharing)
And things just seemed to get better...meeting with PA seemed very positive ( I didnt want to hope for too much and told myself... 'It was good practice to have lots of interviews... even if I didnt get the job!!'
She said she had interviews all day and also one next week.....
I came out and sighed a big sigh of relief... I did my best and its now in the lap of the Gods
So yes long weekend .. wandering...doubting...planning..
And as promised I was contacted on the Monday...
Imagine my surprise...shock...amazement...excitement when she told me they wanted to offer me the job..... I couldnt stop thanking the woman from the agency...who assured me how very pleased they were too have me on board ( well you could of knocked me down with a feather )
I feel very humbled to have the chance at another job at my age (54)
so needless to say lots of prayers offered today ( as always)
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