Thursday, 5 October 2017

time flies

Wow   when did that happen....

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It surely does.... can not believe how the weeks are flying by...

So we had our lovly holiday in Cyprus..( and I havnt even got time to blog about it!!!! )

Main reason...... I am throwing myself into this Yoga course ( and I have not got enough time )
i am on a time schedule to get my Yoga journal in  ( 60 hours worth!!! )
and yes...of course I am doing that amount of classes etc but fitting so many classes in and then finding time to write about them is proving almost impossible.....I love doing the classes but not so keen on doing the write up after ๐Ÿ˜’

Good thing is 2 assignments done, so on wards and upwards we go  ....

I attended a fantastic yoga workshop this weekend and I hope to be able to tell all..but not just now...
Just to say ..It was amazing ....full of love and calm and laughter  ...( yes 'laughter'...because its good for the soul... yes really )..oh yes and stretching!!!!  ๐Ÿ˜˜

And of course there are still all the mundane things to tackle....
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....... so time is flying 
and the day is passing me by
and if I dont start this journal...
there will be water in my eye!!!!!
( sorry .. ๐Ÿ˜˜ )
Have a fab day

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