Monday 9 October 2017

Not been feeling the best ..need my yoga practice

I'm guessing its due to the time of year ( its normal for me to have a cold/flu etc in the autumn/winter months) that I am feeling a little odd!
I use the word ODD because I dont feel ill but I do feel all of these: tired, weak, lack of motivation, cold, sniffles, not sleeping well.
It could be one of several things, spending a day outdoors when I initially didnt feel well, change of weather, onset of a cold or the dreaded menopause,
Having said that it seems since I found 'Yoga' ( this included drinking more water, eating a healthier diet, doing more exercise/classes and so on ) I do not have any where near as many colds as before.
( could just be a coincidence lol )
So it came as a bit of a shock for me to feel unwell.  So I did initially just carry on as norm but realised quite quickly that I needed to give myself a break and listen to my body! 
Image result for yoga rocks I've rested ( well not rested, but not done any classes for a few days, 4 days!!! ) so only done some stretches 1st thing each day.
Thats been very difficult for me as I am quite hyper... so I am in a hurry to resume normal service as soon as possible
my home yoga practice starts with a few full standing body stretches ( mountain pose/Tadasana ) inhalingexhaling fully allowing the lungs to fill/empty with oxygen...stretching all the stresses out and away..i love this stretch
on to a few gentle forward folds with legs bent ... being kind to my body as I havnt done anything for a few days.
continuing onto all fours..a few cat/cow poses  inhaling into cat exhaling to cow pose...feeling a lovly stretch in my back/shoulders
onto my back for some leg stretches...raise leg grasping behind knee.. moving to shin and finally ankle..feeling a stretch in my groin and hamstrings..feels good to stretch, holding the stretch for a few breaths and gently rotating ankle both ways... intensifying stretch  ( then onto other leg )
then onto a seated forward fold..exhaling down..inhaling up.  not getting very near to my knees this morning!!  but loving the stretch. after several breaths here, its back down to mat for a full body stretch, flexing and pointing the toes, arms above head for the ultimate stretch....
feeling energised and somewhat taller!!
and now its time for breakfast

have a fab day

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